For context, my fiance is a reform convert in the UK. I fully support their conversion but, as I lack any real spirituality, do not feel I could sincerely convert myself (despite knowing that my lack of spirituality would not prevent a reform beit din from accepting my conversion). My fiance doesn't eat pork, but otherwise is fairly lax on kashrut (a position common to many reform Jews here)
We recently celebrated my fiance's first Pesach since converting (during which they observed kashrut more stringently than normal, but, sharing a house with three gentiles, didn't burn all chametz in the house or worry about kitniyot) and had a lot of matzah left over, some KLP (which we used for the seder itself), some not. My fiance actively dislikes eating matzah, whereas I don't mind it. Because of this, and thinking that it's unlikely to last until next year, I've been gradually eating my way through it, breaking it into sections to use like crackers
As a gentile, I am obviously not bound by kashrut (beyond general Noahide prohibitions), but would there be any issue with me combining matzah with treif (i.e. eating salami and cheese on the same fragment)? Does it depend on whether the matzah is KLP and so baked (presumably) with the intent of being used for the mitzvah of matzah in mind?