I am an Italian Noahide.
HaShem is also defined in the Torah as "Elohim" who in this case expresses, as Ramban teaches, the concept of "Master of all the forces" and "the Power over all the powers". I wonder, however, if this sovereignty of God over every reality can be considered compatible with some limits regarding His omnipotence. I have seen for example that according to Ralbag it is absurd to think that HaShem could have created the universe ex nihilo, because this would be materially impossible even for the Creator: this master therefore does not seem to believe in an absolute omnipotence of HaShem. I am not referring here to the concept of divine self-limitation, which is the result of a precise will of the Great King, but precisely to the case of activities that God would not be able to carry out. It is a compatible concept with the Torah? I personally doubt that HaShem has the power to perform an act against Himself, such as creating a more powerful being than Him, or even deciding to end His existence (I speak by paradox obviously).