I found an article on aish.com, entitled Moshiach and the World Today which quoted the Malbim as stating the following:
A father and son traveling a long distance. As they start out, the son begins to ask when they will arrive, and of course the father does not answer. However, as they near the town, the son asks the same question, and this time the father readily answers that it is only a short while before they reach their destination. "So too, as the time of redemption is clearly approaching, we cannot help but notice the signs all around us that foreshadow that redemption. As the end grows nearer, doubts will become smaller, and at the very end, all doubts will be removed... As the time grows closer, uncertainty recedes in the wake of increasingly abundant wisdom.
The only reference they give is Introduction to the Book of Daniel. Does anyone know where I can find the Malbim's Introduction to the Book of Daniel in Hebrew online?