During seliḥot, we* interweave saying piyyuṭim with the recitation of the 13 middot. This is thematically sensible, since the recitation of the 13 middot is supposed to effect God's forgiveness1 2, and the piyyuṭim are also on the topic of asking for mercy/forgiveness.

However, more than thematic sensibilities, there seems to be a need for some kind of piyyuṭ prior to saying the 13 middot, as the Aruch HaShulchan says in OC 620:1 (quoted with English here).

What is this relationship? Why does the recitation of the 13 middot require a piyyuṭ? What is the earliest source for such a relationship, and are there contrary opinions?

*Based on Artscroll and Koren Ashkenazi siddurim/machzorim, and Daniel Goldschmidt's machzorim/seliḥot.

  • 1
    "piyut" is being used loosely here I guess. There are instances in many rites of but one or two unstructured lines 'prompting' a recitation of the 13 Middot
    – Double AA
    Oct 11, 2019 at 11:56


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