I’ve been learning about the concept of עצם as it relates to עצם, נהר, גן. ענ״ג.
This has taken me to Sefer Kehillat Yaacov by Rabbi Yaacov Tzvi Yolles, ערך עץ and the word עצם.
For those checking the link, it is first column, the word עצם immediately below עצבות.
He makes a citation with a detailed quotation which I want to see in the original text. The citation is as follows:
עצם בע״ח שער ס״ג שער פרקי היכלות פ״ב כ׳ דעור בשר גיד עצם כו׳
It sounds like he is citing Eitz Chaim of Rabbi Chaim Vital. But Eitz Chaim only has 50 Gates and none with a title remotely like the one quoted. Nothing dealing with Heichalot at all.
Ramak in Pardes Rimonim has a section on Heichalot, but not divided like the citation and not dealing with that subject.
Can anyone point me to the correct sefer Rabbi Yolles is quoting, it would be greatly appreciated.