Although I heard in a shiur that there is a gemara which says a husband is not allowed to tell his wife not to lend to others since she would eventually develop a bad name, I can't find it - are there any sources in Chazal that say this?
1 Answer
Kesubos 72a
תניא נמי הכי המדיר את אשתו שלא תשאל ושלא תשאיל נפה וכברה ריחים ותנור יוציא ויתן כתובה מפני שמשיאה שם רע בשכינותיה
Someone who imposes a vow on his wife that she may not borrow or lend her kitchen utensils like sieve, mill, oven etc. must divorce his wife and pay her Kesuba because he makes a bad name for his wife among her neighbours
1Is it restricted to kitchen utensils or does it also applies to consumables like flour, salt, sugar? Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 13:33
1@Mindwin the Rambam Isus 13,10 says הדירה שלא תשאל ולא תשאיל מכלי הבית שדרך כל השכנות לשאול אותן ולהשאילן כגון נפה וכברה רחים ותנור וכיוצא בהם- If he imposes a vow upon her not to lend utensils that are usually lent. If she lends her salt and sugar from her allocation i would assume since thats what people normally do it is forbidden fo the husband to stop her (see…) Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 14:25