A follow on from this question: I simply would like a listing of longest to shortest (or vice versa!) tractates in Yerushalmi by daf, ideally listing the number of daf/tractate.
1What printing? Why would you want to document this arbitrary metric?– Double AA ♦Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 11:17
1That doesn't answer my question. Use word count if you want to find that out.– Double AA ♦Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 11:25
2@DoubleAA it's not complete nonsense. number of pages ~ (number of words) + (font size ratio) * (number of words in nosei keilim), which could be a metric for length weighted by complexity.– HeshyCommented Jul 22, 2019 at 11:53
1@Heshy whatever makes him happy– Double AA ♦Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 16:52
2@JoshuaPearl This post would be more compelling if you'd edit in some details about why you're interested in this information.– Isaac Moses ♦Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 17:35
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1 Answer
Here's the list of the longest to shortest Masechtot in the Talmud Yerushalmi based off the amount of daf per Masechta. (Source: Sefaria, which uses the text of Mechon Mamre, which is based on the Pietrkov edition.)
- Shabbos - 92 (1a-92b)
- Yevamos - 85 (1a-85a)
- Ketubot - 72 (1a-72a)
- Pesachim - 71 (1a-71b)
- Berachos - 68 (1a-68a)
- Eruvin - 65 (1a-65b)
- Terumot - 59 (1a-59a)
- Sanhedrin - 57 (1a-57b)
- Gittin - 54 (1a-54b)
- Kiddushin - 48 (1a-48b)
- Nazir - 47 (1a-47b)
- Sotah - 47 (1a-47a)
- Bava Kamma - 44 (1a-44b)
- Shevuot - 44 (1a-44b)
- Kilayim - 44 (1a-44b)
- Yoma - 42 (1a-42b)
- Nedarim - 40 (1a-40a)
- Avodah Zarah - 37 (1a-37b)
- Peah - 37 (1a-37b)
- Bava Metzia - 37 (1a-37a)
- Bava Basra - 34 (1a-34a)
- Demai - 34 (1a-34a)
- Megillah - 34 (1a-34a)
- Shekalim - 33 (1a-33b)
- Ma'aser Sheini 33 - (1a-33b)
- Shevi'it - 31 (1a-31a)
- Challah - 28 (1a-28b)
- Sukkah - 26 (1a-26b)
- Ta'anis - 26 (1a-26b)
- Ma'asrot - 26 (1a-26b)
- Beitzah - 22 (1a-22b)
- Chagigah - 22 (1a-22b)
- Rosh Hashanah - 22 (1a-22a)
- Orlah - 20 (1a-20b)
- Moed Kattan - 19 (1a-19b)
- Horayos - 19 (1a-19b)
- Niddah - 13 (1a-13a)
- Bikkurim - 13 (1a-13a)
- Makkos - 9 (1a-9b)