My question is if Samaritans go to Olam Haba. It would seem pretty obvious except for the fact they don’t recognize the Jewish people as Hashem’s Chosen. They also have their own slightly altered Torah, which I do not think would be allowed. The Samaritans of time past worshiped idols that they excused by not putting them “Before” Hashem. The Samaritans of past times also led Jews astray by defying the authority of rabbis or any rabbinic sources, while also in the end worshipping idols.
I apologize for any ignorance I might display in this question.– IsaacCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 8:15
3Welcome to MiYodeya Isaac and thanks for this first question. Great to have you learn with us!– mblochCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 8:46
1If we don't recognize them as Jews, they fall under regular requirements for Gentiles, and that's then 7 Noahide laws that they seemingly follow.– Al BerkoCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 11:18
1@TurkHill That definition of "Jew" is a semantic game. If, theoretically, they are not recognized as Jews (i.e. from the 12 Tribes, by legal rabbinic definition) they would fall under the aegis of the 7 Noahide laws. If, theoretically, they are recognized as Jews, they would be obligated by the 613 mitzvos, as you suggest. The question that therefore must be answered is, are they considered Jews by rabbinic definition, and why or why not?– YehudaCommented Sep 9, 2021 at 6:08
1@TurkHill An interesting observation I've never thought of. So besides Jews and gentiles, there are ancient Israelites (not to be confused with contemporary Israelis :) who fall in some Halachic pit.– Al BerkoCommented Sep 14, 2021 at 22:21
4 Answers
Samaritans are non-Jews (see here for details). I once asked a religious tour guide who has been many times to Har Gerizim. He told me that today "As far as anyone can tell they are complete monotheists".
As such, according to the Rambam, a Samaritan who would observe the seven mitzvot Bnei Noach is considered one of 'the pious among the gentiles' and will merit a share in the world to come (see Hilchot Melachim 8:11 as well as the end of Hilchot Tshuva 3:5).
This being said, we are not specialists of the Samaritans here on MiYodeya. To the extent that individual Samaritans would violate the rules of the Rambam in Hilchot Tshuva 3:6-13, this answer may change for these individuals.
1I do not believe Maimonides believed that Christians of his day could ever be considered chasidei umot haolam inasmuch as he viewed their religion as idolatrous. Furthermore, I believe he does seem to require that their observance of the 7 laws has to be consciously based on the Mosaic code. Furthermore, there's a strong argument to be made that adding religious elements could also be a problem.– LoewianCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 14:03
[I don't know enough about the Samaritans or their beliefs, and in accordance with the MiYodea guidelines, my answer is not required to have any knowledge of other religions]
Although gentiles definitely can merit World to Come for their good deeds, it is unlikely that the Samaritans mention in his question will.
The Mishne in Sanhedrin (Chapter 10) writes:
ואלו שאין להם חלק לעולם הבא - האומר אין תחיית מתים מן התורה, ואין תורה מן השמים, ואפיקורס
If the Samaritans do not accept the Torah as absolute truth, and do not accept the validity of Hashem's Torah (having their own version will not help matters), then they go into the category of those who do not merit World to Come.
1seems reasonable, but doesn't that apply for Jews only? I don't recall a similar requirement for Gentiles.– Al BerkoCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 11:16
1Please show that the Mishnah talks about the whole humankind.– Al BerkoCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 11:24
1רמב״ם פ״ח שופטים: ׳כל המקבל שבע מצוות ונזהר לעשותן, הרי זה מחסידי אומות העולם. ויש לו חלק לעולם הבא. והוא שיקבל אותן ויעשה אותן מפני שציווה בהן הקב"ה בתורה, והודיענו ע"י משה רבינו, שבני נוח מקודם נצטוו בהן. אבל, אם עשאן מפני הכרע הדעת, אין זה גר תושב, ואינו מחסידי אומות העולם Commented Jul 19, 2019 at 11:36
1Loyal to a scroll is not believing in the truth and validity of the Torah. They do not believe in Torah Shebaal Peh, nor do they believe in the absolute truth of Torah Shebichsav (slightly altered Torah...) Commented Jul 19, 2019 at 13:18
Do Hindus go to Olam Haba? Samaritans do not worship idols. They are our brothers. While they are not Jews, they are fellow Israelites. True, their Torah changed a bit, but they are still closer to Hashem's original Torah than, say, Muslims and Christians.
Anyone who keeps 7 laws or 613 (depending on if you are Jewish or not) gets Olam Haba.
@Harel13 I could refer to you to a rabbi sho has the sources. Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 22:23
@Harel13 Yes. Would you agree that Samaritans are ancient Isrealites? Commented Sep 10, 2021 at 16:35
"Yes" what? You haven't included sources in your answer yet...and no, I see no reason to consider the Samaritans to be "ancient Israelites", whatever that means.– Harel13Commented Sep 11, 2021 at 18:14
Do Samaritans go to Olam Haba? Why not? They are partly Jewish in one regard and reject the Qur'an and the teachings of Christianity in the other. To suggest they don't would be akin to claim that the reform Jews/Karaites, though observant to their form of Judaism, do not make it to heaven, is absurd. For instance, Menachem Kellner believes that reform Jews are "true Jews" and should not be shunned from the Jewish community. It is not an all or nothing acceptance for them. Judaism, he says, relies on observance, not beliefs.
I would like to add that the Samaritans (not Zoroastrians) had a temple on Mount Gerizim granted by Alexander the Great, not Mount Moriah which was/is established by G-d. Like the Edomites and Pharisees before them, they also follow a form of Judaism, though their form is wrong, we should not ban them unless they support Palestine. I am a zionist. Unlike Zoroastrianism's Wise lord, G-d [Hashem] speaks to all people. All ages. And all Jews.
2Being "partly Jewish" is like being "partly pregnant." No such thing.– MeirCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 14:17
Seems like my answer has 3 downvotes. In any event, people can technically be partially pregnant if you are pregnant for three months. This is a technicality. For example, Jack Black is part Jewish. Commented Jul 19, 2019 at 15:43
No, that's not "partially pregnant," that's "pregnant with a partially formed embryo." And no, Jack Black is not "part Jewish"; his mother is Jewish, so he's Jewish. That's how Jewish law defines it.– MeirCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 16:24
Halachically yes, you are right that if the mother is not Jewish, the child is not. But ethnically, if the father is Jewish and not the mother, s/he should be considered Jewish or at least "part Jewish" in that regard. They have Jewish DNA after all, do they not? Robert Downey Jr. is part Jewish even though his mother is not. (His father is Lithuanian and Hungarian Jewish). Commented Jul 19, 2019 at 17:23
2What on earth are you talking about? The man is Jewish, period. And if his mother isn't Jewish (as with your last example), then he's not Jewish. He may have "Jewish DNA" (whatever that means - Judaism isn't based only on DNA), he may or may not be a fine human being, but he's not Jewish or "part Jewish" or whatever.– MeirCommented Jul 19, 2019 at 18:02