There seems to be a consistency in tefillah (prayer) that the attributes חן וחסד ורחמים - (my translation) "grace, kindness and mercy" - appear specifically in this order. Five samples that I can think of:
- First bracha of Benching (Grace after meals)
- Fourth bracha (Hatov vehameitiv) in Grace after meals
- Last bracha of Amidah (Sim Shalom)
- Extra paragraph added for Kaddish Derabanan (same words but in Aramaic.)
- In Yekum Purkan said on Shabbat (words in Aramaic.)
Is there any reason as to why these attributes are mentioned in this specific order?
I surmised that it may have been imitating the 13 attributes, but, there, mercy רחום precedes kindness חנון.