In this pdf compilation provided by Koshershaver, it makes the claim that Sephardim cannot shave because
1) Rav Ovadia in Yabia Omer said that a razor that removes more than a stubble is like a razor
2) Rav Yitzhak Yoseph quoted his father saying that people shouldn’t rely on such Heterim
3) Maran said in a shiur on Mossei Shabat Naso 5768 that all electric shavers are assur and fall under the prohibition of shaving ones beard (source is in Yom l’Yom issue 1002, the text in Hebrew is on page 27 in the pdf)
4) Maran’s grandson, Rav Ovadia Yosef Tolidano, said in the name of his grandfather in a teshuva (where?) that heters for shavers should not be relied upon anymore
Based on this evidence, it would seem that many people are seemingly commiting borderline Assur DeOrayta aveirot almost everyday. Is that indeed the case here, and should I stop using electric shavers?
Also in all of the pictures of my male ancestors, they had beards (they trimmed them, but never removed them), and I was taught that you have to follow your minhag, because minhag (מנהג) backwards is גהנם (Gehinom), and you get the picture.. So even if they were allowed, would my minhag would prevent me from shaving with electric?