The Talmud [Bava Batra 15b] names seven prophets who prophesied to non-Jews: Balaam, Balaam's father (Beor), Job, and Job's four friends.
The Midrash says that Balaam was greater than Moses in many respects [Numbers Rabbah 14:20]:
[The Torah says:] And there has not arisen since, in Israel, a prophet [like Moses] [Deut. 34:10]. In Israel there had not arisen one like him, but there had arisen one like him among the nations of the world. This was in order that the nations of the world might have no excuse for saying: If we had possessed a prophet like Moses, we would have worshipped the Holy One, blessed be He. What prophet did they have that was like Moses? Balaam the son of Beor. There was a difference, however, between the prophecy of Moses and that of Balaam...
-Moses did not know who was speaking with him, while Balaam knew...
-Moses did not know when the Holy One, blessed be He, would speak with him, while Balaam knew…
-Moses did not know what the Holy One, blessed be He, would speak to him about, while Balaam knew…
-Moses could not speak with [God] whenever he pleased, but Balaam could…
-Balaam knew the exact time of God's anger. [Avoda Zar. 4a–b; Sanh. 105b] [Berachot 7a]