We’ve previously discussed how old Esther, Mordechai, Haman, and Achashveirosh were at the time of the Megillah.
How old was Vashti when she was summoned to Achashveirosh?
We’ve previously discussed how old Esther, Mordechai, Haman, and Achashveirosh were at the time of the Megillah.
How old was Vashti when she was summoned to Achashveirosh?
Yalkut Shimoni, Nach 1049 says that Vashti was 12-12.5 when Belshazzar died:
וכשהמלכו דריוש אותה הלילה בלשאצר שהיו אלו הורגים ואלו בוזזים ושתי היתה נערה
And when they made Daryavesh king, that night Belshatzar - some of them were killing [him] and some of them were looting him. Vashti was a Na’arah.
Megillah 11b says that Achashveirosh ascended the throne five years later:
חדא דבלשצר וחמש דדריוש וכורש ותרתי דידיה
One year for Belshatzar, five years for Daryavesh and Koresh, and two years of [Achashveirosh’s, which were followed by the party].
Combining these two pieces, it follows that Vashti was roughly 19-19.5 when the feast started, and roughly 19.5-20 when she was killed.