Besides learning fun facts about one's DNA and ancestry, there's a lot of good that can come out of using one. For example: people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent can learn if they're predisposed to BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and thus at a higher risk for breast or ovarian cancer.
But it's a step further than Dor Yesharim or NYU testing, since those just primarily report if one's a carrier for a disease and don't analyze one's family genetics.
Was wondering if there could be any Halachik issues with using a service like 23 And Me? Potential issues could be:
- Main problem I thought of: if someone were to find out they're actually a mamzer. This is definitely not something we'd want someone to know since we try to be very lenient with safeik mamzer.
- finding out one is adopted (parents never told them) and could be a problem of bitul of kibbud av v'em (either they never wanted that person to know, or said person may not have been properly doing bitul of kibbud av v'em)
- If a child finds out they're adopted perhaps there could now be a concern of yichud with a parent of the opposite gender.
Perhaps we could suggest to follow rov- namely that majority of people won't find this out- or that the good outweighs the potential bad.
To sum up:
1) can anyone think of additional problems that could arise from using a DNA kit?
2) reason(s) why we may be allowed to use them?