On Chazal there is a series of books by R Binyamin Lau on Jewish sages (from Koren), vol 1 on the Second Temple period, vol 2 on Yavne to Bar Kochba, vol 3 on the Galilean period, vol 4 on the period from the Mishna to the Talmud, vol 5 on the Yeshivot of Babylonia and Israel.
On later and contemporary acharonim, there have been 3 compilations of the biographical sketches originally published in the Jewish Observer: The Torah profile, Torah leaders, Torah luminaries
There are also compilations of biographies of many rabbanim in the same book, more closely related to the two books you cite, but more focused on anecdotes from their lives, e.g., 5 great leaders, 5 great lives, Noble lives, noble deeds (there are 3 volumes).
And there are many individual biographies from artscroll of course, e.g.,
There is also a book more focused on the ideas of great sages called Books of the People: Revisiting Classic Works of Jewish Thought which summarizes the ideas and contributions of great Sages such as Rav Saadia Gaon, R Judah Halevi, the Rambam, the Maharal, R Shneur Zalman of Liadi, R Samson Raphael Hirsch, R Abraham Isaac Kook, R Joseph B. Soloveitchik and many others.