The Minhag that many people have is to start Kiddush Friday night with VaYehi Erev VaYehi Voker before saying Yom HaShishi.
I heard that HaRav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal did not say VaYehi Erev VaYehi Voker before saying Yom HaShishi, he just started from Yom HaShishi. The reason was that even though you may not split a Posuk, anything less than 3 words is not considered splitting.
The Aruch HaShulchan says that you should say the entire Posuk (Bereshit 1:31) quietly, even the words before VaYehi Erev VaYehi Voker.
Those that do say VaYehi Erev VaYehi Voker before saying Yom HaShishi why do they say it?