In viewing the intial complaint, B'nai Yisra'el complained that there was no meat or bread in the desert. I was curious why they asked for meat, considering that they had so many animals and they could have slaughtered their own animals for meat.
Rash"i on Shemot 16:8 mentions this, also, and says that this was the reason why they had to trouble themselves to gather the quail at night, whereas the mahn (bread) was given to them more easily as it was already on the ground in the morning.
My question is a bit more "basic". Considering that they could have slaughtered the animals, why does G-d give them meat in the first place, when he could have said to Moshe, tell them to use their own animals?
Compare this, perhaps, to the incident mentioned in Beha'alotecha where they were punished for requesting meat.