This is an oddly specific question but the thought came to me and I wanted to know what your opinions on it would be.
Historically speaking, human sacrifice was a regular occurrence in various pagan communities. The Canaanites were said to have practiced child sacrifice as part of their practices.
Say that a Jew had been taken hostage by the Canaanites or similar and they were planning on sacrificing him to their deities.
Would a Jew be doing the better thing if he killed himself in order to not allow his death honor a god that wasn't Hashem?
Or would his sacrifice ultimately not matter because there are no gods but Hashem. Thus attempting to prevent the sacrifice is partially you acknowledging another god that isn't Hashem?
The problem is I don't believe that logical train of thought is correct because we purposely create Mevushal wine in order to prevent such sacrifices from taking place. So then the sacrifice obviously would matter at some level, wouldn't it?
It's a complex question because I'm trying to figure out if this would fall under a similar category as being forced to worship gods that weren't Hashem.
Jewish tradition establishes that Jews who died as martyrs died having done Kiddush Hashem. My question is would the act of committing suicide to prevent your death worshipping a foreign diety be considered a form of Kiddush Hashem?
Obviously, there's a moral complication here in that you'd be committing a gross act of sin through suicide. That being said, is the context of your sinful action understood as being an act of loyalty since you are preventing your death from honoring another diety?
I was curious what your thoughts on this would be.