For those younger readers who may be unfamiliar, (call me an "A.K." if you wish) pie throwing was a common comedic scene and activity in several movies and T.V. skits such as The 3 Stooges (nyuk nyuk).
There are several places that are trying to re-create these "older" films and comedy bits using pie throwing.
Can a Jew participate in these pie throwing scenes if the pie cream is non kosher? The idea of these scenes, of course, is not to eat the cream pies, but, inevitably, when you are hit with a pie and have cream all over your face, you are quite likely to lick it off just to clean yourself a bit, or some of the cream will probably go into your mouth, anyway as soon as you are hit with the pie.
In short, the kavana is not to eat / taste. Does this lack of kavana nullify any problem of eating non-kosher cream?
Additional Aspect added:
What if the crust contains lard? With the cream top, would this now be an instance of basar b'chalav (meat & dairy) as lard comes from pig's fat? Or is there no such issue as pig is non-kosher?
(FYI - Mr. Goldwyn and Mr. Mayer are no longer alive to direct this film, so there is no chance to request the director to buy only kosher pies!)