Is raw fish considered muktza?

  • 1
    See also mi.yodeya.com/questions/4036
    – msh210
    Commented Feb 9, 2011 at 16:03
  • More details would make your question better. For example there is a difference between sushi, sashimi, and a whole fish which hasn't been prepared to consume.
    – Laser123
    Commented Mar 31, 2017 at 22:34

3 Answers 3


Aruch HaShulchan OH 308:57 quotes the Rambam that (raw) unsalted fish cannot be touched.

סימן שח סעיף נז עוד כתב שם: "מטלטלין בשר תפוח, והיינו מסריח, מפני שהוא מאכל לחיה. ומטלטלין בשר חי בין תפל בין מליח מפני שראוי לאדם, וכן דג מליח. אבל התפל - אסור לטלטלו" עכ"ל. ואצלינו שאין חיות מצויות - אסור לטלטל בשר תפוח, אבל הטור והש"ע סעיף ל"א כתבו: מפני שראוי לכלבים, וכלבים מצוים בכל מקום ומותר לטלטלו, והרמב"ם נקיט לשון הגמרא (קכ"ח:) ע"ש. ועל הטור וש"ע יש לומר שבזמן הגמרא היו חיות מצויות, לפיכך אומר: מפני שהוא מאכל לחיה, ובזמן הטור וש"ע לא היו מצויות, לפיכך כתבו לכלבים (ק"נ שם), אבל לא כן משמע לשון הגמרא ע"ש. ואמנם בתוספות שם פירשו דתפוח אינו מסריח אלא הוא בשר תפל, וכן הוא בפירוש רש"י שברי"ף ע"ש וצ"ע (ועיין דרישה).

  • 11
    consult your local Orthodox rabbi, though. This Aruch Hashulchan was written before sushi became popular. It could be that nowadays, this new metzius would cause a corresponding halachic change. Just as the Aruch Hashulchan was speaking of changed metzius from the times of the gemara. Commented Feb 9, 2011 at 15:39
  • Josh thats what intrigues me about this particular question I want to know if any Modern responsa or Rav or Shiur addresses it? Commented Feb 9, 2011 at 23:19
  • not that i know of... Commented Feb 11, 2011 at 1:09
  • It did not address the muktza issue, but there was an article in the Journal of Halacha & Contemporary Society on the preparation of sushi on shabbat. The article concludes that producing a well constructed maki roll constitutes boneh, and is therefore prohibited. I cannot disagree more.
    – Ze'ev
    Commented Jun 28, 2011 at 15:49
  • 2
    @sam, muktza is based on a mental state. If I think, "well, I'm not going to use this" it becomes muktza. If in the past there was no use for raw fish, it was by default muktza. If I had a freshly caught salmon nowadays, and the skills and inclination to make sushi from it, it seemingly would not be muktza.
    – Ze'ev
    Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 14:12

This piece is from the OUKosher website:

Is it permissible to make Sushi on Shabbos? Is it muktza?

Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 308:32) writes that unsalted raw fish is muktza, because it serves no purpose on Shabbos.

However in our days, if one has cuts of raw fish that are edible as sushi, then they are not muktza. However, Rav Belsky, zt”l, questioned whether one may make sushi on Shabbos.

The Chayei Adam 39:1 writes that the melacha of boneh (building) applies to food as well, and that attaching foods together to produce a desired picture or shape, is included in this prohibition. Since shaping sushi might be included in this prohibition, Rav Belsky, zt”l, recommended that one should not make sushi on Shabbos with the intent of making a specific design or pattern.


The Shulhan Aruch writes that raw meat isn't muktze because people are it that way. Rav Yitshak Yosef writes that it depends what the minhag haolam is for eating meat. If people eat it raw nowadays, than it's not mukse - if not, than it is. I would imagine the same applies to fish.

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