What is the difference between these 3 series of sefarim: the Zohar Hakadosh, the Tikounei Zohar and the Zohar Hadash? Also, what is the Matok Midevash in the Zohar?
1 Answer
The Holy Zohar is formatted as a commentary on the 5 books of Moses.
The Tikunim is formatted a series of commentaries on the first word in the Torah (Bereshis).
The Zohar Hadash is additional teachings, and formatted as a commentary on the 5 books of Moses, as well as on the megillos etc.
Mtuk Mdvash is a recent commentary of the Zohar by Rav Daniel Frisch ZTz'l; extremely popular nowadays.
1@ShmuelBrin I think the name refers to the widespread release of the manuscripts, which were printed to the community around 30 years after the release of the first part, "The Zohar"– warz3Commented Jan 1, 2015 at 5:16
Are they all considered to be of the same level of authenticity and age?– LeeCommented Oct 8, 2015 at 15:31