The Rambam in Hilchos Tefillah 9:1 seems to understand praying with a minyan as not so much of an obligation, but a good strategy:
תפילת הציבור, נשמעת תמיד; ואפילו היו בהן חטאים, אין הקדוש ברוך הוא מואס תפילתן של רבים. לפיכך צריך אדם לשתף עצמו עם הציבור, ולא יתפלל יחידי, כל זמן שיכול להתפלל בציבור. ולעולם ישכים אדם ויעריב לבית הכנסת, שאין תפילתו של אדם נשמעת בכל עת, אלא בבית הכנסת. וכל מי שיש לו בית הכנסת בעירו, ואינו נכנס לתוכה להתפלל--נקרא שכן רע
(paraphrased) The prayer of the community is always heard [by Hashem]. Therefore, a person needs* to join the congregation whenever he can. Prayer is not always heard unless you are praying with the congregation. Anyone who doesn't join the community to pray is a bad neighbor.
The Rambam does not describe it as an obligation or even a mitzvah. He couches it in terms of its beneficial effect.
I would conclude that according to the Rambam, one could not apply the principle of stopping learning to perform a mitzvah, as he will not be performing, or even facilitating, a mitzvah. You may be doing them a favor, but not a mitzvah.
This is not meant to be practical halacha, just a presentation of what I believe to be the opinion of the Rambam.
*That which the Rambam says you "need" to join the community for prayer is clear that it does not mean to imply an obligation, as the source of that line is actually a reference to that which one should say the Wayfarer's Prayer in plural, which is not even codified by the Rambam.