Can one eat on Sunday if he hasn't heard Havdalah yet? If not, what happens if he already ate: should he say Havdalah?

2 Answers 2


Per Rabbi Doniel Neustadt if he will have wine before Chatzos on Sunday he should preferably wait and not eat unless he is weak.


Per Orach Chaim 299:5 you can make Havdala even if you ate already. The Mishna Berura says this applies even if the eating was done intentionally.

Havdala can be said till Tuesday if not said for some reason prior to that. (Rambam Hilchos Shabbos Perek 29 Halacha 4)


The Aruch Hashulchan 299:16 quotes a dispute between all of the "heavy hitters" over the correct version of the g'mara in P'sachim 107. He quotes the opinion that when one recites havdala late (after dawn of Sunday morning), he only says borei p'ri hagafen and hamavdil ben kodesh l'chol (i.e. the non-whited-out parts here). And he only recites these b'rachos if he has not yet eaten. This appears to be the opinion of the Baha"g.

He quotes most others, including the Ram"a, who hold that one may still recite havdala until (and including) Tuesday even if one has eaten.

And to answer your first question, since on Sunday the person is practically still waiting to recite havdala, which is a mitzva, it should be treated like any other limited-time mitzva in that other activities (most prominent among which is eating) should not intervene.

  • What is your source for the last paragraph? He refers to 296:14 where he seems to say that you can eat, but if you think on Saturday night that you'll get a cup on Sunday then you should refrain from eating until the next day
    – b a
    Commented Jan 6, 2019 at 18:59
  • @ba My source would have been the Aroch Hashulchan, and what you're saying sounds right. It might have even been what I had in mind but didn't express clearly. I will revisit and try to clarify, but feel free if you would like to before I get to it.
    – WAF
    Commented Jan 7, 2019 at 8:33

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