I had a bad psychological trauma some time ago and I felt the urgent need to review myself. I found that reading self-help books helped me.
I tried to learn Mussar books (Mesillat yesharim, Chafetz Chaim) but my problem is boredom. I am ashamed to admit this, but while I could not make it till the third chapter of Messilat Yesharim, I could not stop reading a book like "Crucial conversations", a very insightful secular self-help book.
Somebody suggested me the book "Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them". I did not read it but I am very fearful that Christian messages could make their way into my head if I read it, since it is written by a Christian. It is a book that, from its description, should speak of community, acceptance and tolerance and mentions the story of Jesus.
What I am looking for is:
- A Jewish alternative
- Some advice to how to deal with potential "spiritual danger" that could come from reading this book. Now I'm not familiar at all with anything that is related to Jesus or Christianity. Therefore, I believe that something like a Jewish strong, clearcut perspective on the story of Jesus, could make reading this book safer for my sanity and my faith (I don't want beetles in my head).