I have a bunch of questions about the Nefesh Habahamit (the earthy "animal" soul) of the Moshiach (Ben David). Note, I don't want to limit this just to Kabbalistic/Lurian sources, so I will expand this to include sources that discuss "the body" of Moshiach, in contrast to his soul.

All I am asking here is for any and all sources that discuss and teach about this.

  • I know that Tzadikim don't have a yetzer hara. Possibly the same though I don't have a source yet.
    – Moishe
    Commented Mar 3 at 1:22
  • @Moishe I don't think they're synonymous. Tanya Chapter 29 implies the animal soul still exists, albeit in a sublimated state.
    – shmosel
    Commented Mar 4 at 0:30
  • I think this question may relate to the Reb Tzaddok on this week's sedrah who discusses why we have a neshama yeseira and a ruach yeseirah on Shabbos but not a nephesh yeseira.
    – The GRAPKE
    Commented Mar 4 at 14:39
  • This question is way too broad. Please take the time to reflect on your inquiry and express it in more definable parameters. Commented Mar 4 at 15:41
  • 1
    If you understand that the Nefesh HaBehamit is the ממוצע המחבר, like is taught in Chassidut, and you know that the creation of Moshiach is at the very beginning of the first day of creation, like is stated in the first 2 lines of the Torah, then the answer to your question is in reflecting (meditating) on that alone. To put it another way, that interface point is the Tzim-tzum HaRishon, which pertains to the inner 2 letters of G-d's six letter name. Commented Mar 4 at 16:01

1 Answer 1


In this video there is discussed the possibility of משיח falling.


The whole video series is about how משיח lifts up all those who fell before him but it also calls him בר נפלא.

Not 100% what you asked but I think its close enough.

  • Thanks, very interesting (cut off just when it was getting extra good!)
    – Rabbi Kaii
    Commented Mar 4 at 18:07
  • @RabbiKaii its a series of multiple videos
    – user15294
    Commented Mar 4 at 20:44

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