For those who like geometric patterns, one can recall that the 10 commandments can be split on those between a person and G-d (1-5) and those between a person and a person (6-10):
- Know that there is Hashem
- Not to have other gods and not to make graven images
- Not to take the G-d's name in vain (i.e. not to swear falsely)
- Shabbos
- Honoring Parents
- Not to murder
- Not to commit adultery
- Not to steal
- Not to bear a false witness
- Not to covet.
The bold letters indicate that some of the 10 commandments either match or similar to the Noachide laws so that we make easy replacements:
- Last of the first group: Not to take the G-d's name in vain (i.e. not to swear falsely) with Not to curse God for (3)
- Last of the second group: Not to bear a false witness with Establishing courts of Justice (9).
The only remaining one Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal - is the only one explicitly mentioned in the Parshas Noach, Bereshis 9:4. It is usually well-known as Noach was permitted to eat the animals.