In sefer ילקוט מאמרים ומכתבים (Yalkut Maamarim Umichtavim, p. 135), Rav Elchonon Wasserman cites the same posuk in Malachi as the Agra DeKalah, as mentioned in my comment.
The Torah says:
For I am the L-rd, I do not change; therefore you sons of Yaakov are not consumed.
Rav Wasserman then cites the Zohar (I forgot the exact place of this Zohar), which says that G-d, Torah and Yisrael are one. Rav Wasserman explains this to mean that just as G-d and the Torah never change, and are eternal, so too Yisrael is eternal before Hashem's "eyes".
For G-d is our guardian and He keeps Yisrael with Him, forever. [...] I have not changed, I will not changed [...].
However, Rav Wasserman adds something in. He writes that Yisrael is considered eternal because of their upholding of the Holy Torah. Why? Because those who cling to the Torah, are alive (see Mishlei 3:18).
Rav Wasserman adds:
It is clear for me. In the countries where Torah-study is ended, Jewishness ends [...] (my own translation).