The Rabbeinu Yonah on Avos 1:1 writes that one should not rely on his first thoughts.
that they should not rely on the first thought, but rather upon great deliberation and incisive investigation, so that they not err in their evaluation.
As a man who is quick to make a decision is called a sinner - and even though he thought he was saying the truth, it is not [considered] accidental but rather is [considered] to be close to volitional, since he did not put it into his heart to say, the quick hearts do not understand to know. As error is found in all men, as the rabbis say (Avot 4:13), " Be careful in study, for an error in study is considered an intentional transgression."
And it is as the sages, may their memory be blessed, said (Avot 4:7), "One who is nonchalant about giving legal decisions is an imbecile, wicked, and arrogant in spirit." Therefore, it is incumbent upon a man who makes legal decisions to go back and forth on the matter and let his thought ripen and to hold on to it
The Rabbeinu Yonah teaches us that one should not make hasty decisions, even if one thinks that he was speaking the truth. A person needs to put into his heart the matter, so that he can understand what to do. A person needs to go "back and forth" on making a decision.