Yalkut Shimoni, Nach 1009:
מה עשה חנמאל דוד ירמיהו השביע מלאכי השרת בשם והורידן מזויינין בכלי זיין על החומות, כיון שראו הכשדים כן ברחו מפני אימתן, עד ששינה להם הקב"ה שמותן והעלן לרקיע, ובקש חנמאל להורידן ולא יכול לפי ששינה הקב"ה שמותן
What did Chanamel, Yirmiyahu's uncle,* do? He beswore the Ministering Angels using G-d's name, and brought them down onto the walls [of Jerusalem] armed with weapons. When the Chaldeans saw this, they ran away in fright. Until G-d changed their names and brought them back up to heaven, and when Chanamel wanted to bring them down again, he couldn't, because G-d had changed their names.
* In Yirmiyah 32:7 he's introduced as Yirmiyahu's cousin (חנמאל בן שלם דדך). Although in v. 12 Yirmiyahu calls him דודי, my uncle; the commentaries there discuss whether there were two people of that name, or whether Chanamel might have been both Yirmiyahu's cousin and uncle, or whether דודי is simply short for בן דודי, my cousin. This Midrash apparently adopts one of the first two possibilities.