If I have a mikva which needs filling, and there is no rain, can I use the following mechanism -
I have a Mikva in a closed room. On top of this Mikva, there is a cooling system (let's say that this cooling system isn't a kli [it's recessed into the roof]). Close to this Mikva there is a pot of water on a stove. The water boils, evaporates, condenses on the cooler and then falls into the Mikva.
There is an argument whether frozen Mayim Sheuvin (drawn water) that melts are considered enough of a "panim chadashos" (lit. new face. Means here that the original thing changed form enough to be considered a totally new thing) as to loose their original status of "Mayim Sheuvin", as perhaps one can say that "ice" is water just in a frozen state (and thus frozen mayim sheuvin are pasul). However, there seems to be no panim chadashos greater than re-condensed boiled water?
If this system doesn't work (if it's not "panim chadashos" enough), what about having the cooler condense natural water vapor? At first glance, there should be no chashash since there is no mayim sheuvin involved anywhere?
Do Poskim discuss this question? Please bring sources.
What about evaporated Mei Peiros (fruit juice)? Do we say that just like (if) evaporated mayim sheuvim changes to "mei geshamim", evaporated Mei Peiros change to "mei geshamim" or do we say that it stays "mei peiros" (lo maalin velo mordin)?