Guessing it's been asked & answered already but not seeing it clearly. I simply would like a listing of longest to shortest (or vice versa!) tractates in Bavli by daf, ideally listing the number of daf/tractate. Thanks so much.
1 Answer
Here's the list of the longest to shortest Masechtot in the Talmud Bavli (H/T to this helpful answer) based off the amount of daf per Masechta:
- Bava Basra - 176
- Shabbos - 157
- Chullin - 142
- Yevamos - 122
- Pesachim - 121
- Zevachim - 120
- Bava Kamma - 119
- Bava Metzia - 119
- Sanhedrin - 113
- Ketubot - 112
- Menachos - 110
- Eruvin - 105
- Nedarim - 91
- Gittin - 90
- Yoma - 88
- Kiddushin - 82
- Avodah Zarah - 76
- Niddah - 73
- Nazir - 66
- Berachos - 64
- Bechoros - 61
- Sukkah - 56
- Sotah - 49
- Shevuos - 49
- Beitzah - 40
- Rosh Hashanah - 35
- Temurah - 34
- Arachin - 34
- Megillah - 32
- Ta'anis - 31
- Mo'ed Kattan - 29
- Kerisus - 28
- Chagigah - 27
- Makkos - 24
- Me'ilah - 22
- Horayos - 14
- Tamid - 10