Inspired by this question:

[substitute "6 hours" in this question with whatever one's tradition might be]

Suppose it is less than 6 hours since Reuven last ate meat. Out of habit, he mistakenly bites into a dairy candy bar. While it's still in his mouth - but before he swallows it - his kind friend Shimon reminds Reuven that he's fleishig.

Now Reuven is in a dilemma: Does he spit out the candy bar or swallow it?

I would expect an answer treat the type of food as an example, and treat all cases (e.g. what if it was milk, etc.)

So what should Reuven do?

  • yydl, if your question is asking if the bracha is satisfied by tasting or chewing, you should define that in your post.
    – YDK
    Commented Jan 26, 2012 at 20:11
  • 1
    @YDK Nope. Let's assume he already made the Shehakol on some other food item (i.e. Bracha issues aside).
    – yydl
    Commented Jan 27, 2012 at 2:41

3 Answers 3


Spit it out. If you're doing something prohibited, you minimize it as much as possible. If halacha says you shouldn't be eating this candy bar, then why let it linger in your mouth anymore? Spit it out! (No, you don't have to make yourself vomit.)

  • 1
    But perhaps once it entered your mouth you were already "over" and now it doesn't matter?
    – yydl
    Commented Dec 12, 2011 at 20:54
  • 4
    @yydl, see Sanhedrin 62 and the discussion of מתעסק בחלבים ועריות. "if someone had something in their mouth that they weren't sure was chelev or shuman and they chose to swallow it ..." we see that swallowing constitutes further prohibited activity beyond just when it went into your mouth.
    – Shalom
    Commented Dec 12, 2011 at 21:03
  • I recall the question being posed in the context of hilchos brachos, and the outcome being that one should spit out the food and accept the brachah le-vatalah.
    – yitznewton
    Commented Dec 12, 2011 at 21:39
  • why? bracha livatala is more chamur than a minhag to wait.
    – Ariel K
    Commented Dec 12, 2011 at 22:28
  • @yitznewton, perhaps you're thinking of a slightly different case: If you've made the bracha but not eaten any yet, better to take a bite rather than have a wasted bracha. If you've made the bracha and already tasted it, why would spitting it out ruin your bracha? (You make a bracha on chewing gum, right?)
    – Shalom
    Commented Dec 12, 2011 at 23:32

According to the Avnei Yoshpai at the end of Anaph 5 - if you already made a Bracha and then remembered that it was still too early to eat dairy - then you should quickly clean out your mouth well and eat a little bit in order that it should not be a Bracha L'Vatala.


פשוט. Spit it out.

In סימן צח where it discusses the דינים of קפילא, it says if one were to taste איסור שנתערב בתוך היתר he would have to spit it out. The פרי מגדים says so clearly there.

However, here there is a slight complication because there are opinions which permit you to have milk after meat provided that you were מפסיק בין סעודה לסעודה. Namely תוספות. However, the majority of ראשונים don't learn like that so one would not be able to rely on that.

So spit it out.

  • Can you cite where in the PMG this is?
    – msh210
    Commented Jan 26, 2012 at 19:14
  • 1
    Also, wouldn't this answer apply only within the first hour, since everything after that is dependent on minhag?
    – msh210
    Commented Jan 26, 2012 at 19:58
  • @msh210 Why is the first hour different from the rest? Ashkenazim me'ikar hadin hold like tosfot and the rest is a chumra (albeit a highly recommended one -- see the Rama YD 89:1) so even the first hour is dependent on minhag.
    – Double AA
    Commented Jan 26, 2012 at 20:07
  • If the majority of rishonim don't learn like Tos., then why does the Rema pasken like Tos?
    – YDK
    Commented Jan 26, 2012 at 20:07

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