CanAssuming all the necessary local zoning permits were received, can a Jewish institution (oror individual) build a construction (such as a school playground) with a view of private property (e.g., a private backyard) if it significantly increases the amount of people viewing / able to view into the property, in a way that likely reduces the value of the property and/or infringes on the comfort level of the owner?
Possible concerns might include the concept of hezek re'iyah - infringement of privacy (lit: damage via seeing). See e.g. Maimonides Laws of Neighbors Chapters 3, 7, and 8; Ramban on Bava Basra 59b; Rama on Bava Basra 3a; Taz (Orach Chaim 637:4); Rema (154:7) and Pischei Choshen (Nezikin 14 note 3), cited here.
Similarly, could the institution impose harmful sounds (such as a noisy factory or loud school bell) on its private neighbors? (See e.g. Maimonides ibid 11:5)
Does it make a difference if the institution received the necessary permits from the local non-Jewish zoning board or government? Would it make a difference if the permits were obtained by unethical and/or illegal means (e.g. if they were unofficially contingent on "campaign contributions")?
Does it make a difference if the institution is publicly associated with a Jewish / Torah image (e.g. a Yeshiva), for example with regard to the concept of Chilul Hashem (desecration of the divine name)?