Answer to the tack-on question: This answer may seem controversial to some, but I'll post it anyway:
Rambam in the Moreh, Part 3, (will add exact source when I get a chance to look it up) positsMoreh, Part 2, Chapter 30 possibly implies that the days of Creation are not meant to be taken as literal units of time, rather they are really philosophical dimensions of Creation. (paraphrased based on memory- will hopefully give direct quotes later).
If that is the case, we can extrapolate that our six days of action and the seventh day being Shabbat, are only a small memorial of what actual Creation was (and is) since the actual Six days"days" of Creation cannot be literally referenced using a time-frame.
However, leaving Egypt can be explained as "zecher", an actual memory, because it occuredoccurred to us as an historical event within a time-frame that can be literally referenced.