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To make light of something important. See Rashi in Megila28aon the bottom of Megila28a. Kallus means that you make light of them. I am assuming he is learning the word 'rosh' is refferingreferring to the batei kneisios the gemara is discussing, with rosh meaning something important. ApparantlyApparently it does not mean to be light headed!

To make light of something important. See Rashi in Megila28a. Kallus means that you make light of them. I am assuming he is learning the word 'rosh' is reffering to the batei kneisios the gemara is discussing, with rosh meaning something important. Apparantly it does not mean to be light headed!

To make light of something important. See Rashi on the bottom of Megila28a. Kallus means that you make light of them. I am assuming he is learning the word 'rosh' is referring to the batei kneisios the gemara is discussing, with rosh meaning something important. Apparently it does not mean to be light headed!

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To make light of something important. See Rashi in Megila28a. Kallus means that you make light of them. I am assuming he is learning the word 'rosh' is reffering to the batei kneisios the gemara is discussing, with rosh meaning something important. Apparantly it does not mean to be light headed!