A very useful basic guide to these laws is “The Kohen's Handbook” by Rav Yochanan Alexander Lombard.
On p124, 5, Rav Lombard says that a metal car does not block tumah and a moving car is called an “ohel zoruk” that does not block tumah. (He reports an opninionopinion that a car with closed windows may protect kohanim from tumas ohel of a non-Jew.)
Similarly to to your source, he reports that:
If the branches hovering over both vehicles at the same time are a tefach wide, they conduct the tumah and cause the Kohen to become tomei.
Even (p66) where the branches are less than a tefach wide, if there is dense foliage this combines to make a roof by rabbinic law and the Kohen should not go there.