In general, If there is a halachic doubt as to whether to say a bracha it is better to answer Amen to someone else's bracha then to say it yourself. This way you avoid the possibility of making a bracha levatala. This is done Shavuos morning: someone who slept will be motzi those who stayed awake with birchos hatorah, elokai netzor and ha'maavir shaina. (Mishne Berurah 47:28)
Furthermore, it is permissible to answer amen to a bracha for which there is a machlokes haposkim as to whether one should be making that bracha. (Biur Halacha 216 s.v. ve'asur)
In this case, the issue of making a bracha and or saying hallel on Yom Ha'atzmaut is very contentious and many will opine that there is no doubt that a bracha is not sanctioned and this is not an area if doubt. In fact, theThat Biur Halacha (ibid), specifically states that one is allowed to answer Amen only to a bracha whose provenance is well established and not based on a rejected opinion. Undoubtedly, others will assertThus if one follows the opinion that making a bracha in this contexton Hallel is appropriatea bracha levatala and the opinions to make a bracha are without merit, one may not answer Amen to a bracha on Hallel. Otherwise, one may answer Amen.
As always asask you personal halachic authority.