- Hasidism - Baal Shem Tov
- Mussar Movement - Rabbi Israel Salanter
- Political Zionism - Theodor Herzl
- Cultural Zionism - Achad Ha'Am
- Meretz - Shulamit Aloni
- Kahanism (see chapter 10 of R' Kahane's book entitled Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews) - Rabbi Meir Kahane
- Republican Jewish Coalition - Richard Fox
- Centrist Orthodoxy - ???
- Shemirat Torah Umitzvot - Moshe Rabbenu
- Monotheismmonotheism - AvrahamHashem (Abraham didn't invent God being alone, He just rediscovered the idea)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_movements http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_Zionism (Can somebody please delineate these into our answer?)