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Oz vehadarV'hadar has a full shulchanShulchan Aruch, linked here. I think that thatThat would be your best bet. As far as aI understand, it is the same as "the friedman shulchan aruch"Friedman Shulchan Aruch", libnkedlinked here, but in much smaller print.

Oz vehadar has a full shulchan Aruch, linked here. I think that that would be your best bet. As far as a understand, it is the same as "the friedman shulchan aruch", libnked here, but much smaller print.

Oz V'hadar has a full Shulchan Aruch, linked here. That would be your best bet. As far as I understand, it is the same as "the Friedman Shulchan Aruch", linked here, but in much smaller print.

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Oz vehadar has a full shulchan Aruch, linked here. I think that that would be your best bet. As far as a understand, it is the same as "the friedman shulchan aruch", libnked here, but much smaller print.