In sefer Hadrash V'HaIyun, Rabbi Aharon Levin comments on parashasParashas Vaera. However, I am not able to understand these concepts. Can somebody maybe translate it, maybe that would help me in getting understanding of it.
Rabbi Levin discusses the idea that a prophet can give different messages upon people.
Message 1: this is given upon a sinful nation. The prophecy deals with bitter visions and tribulations that will befall a sinful nation.
Message 2: this is given to a nation that is in distress and wants to walk in Hashem's ways. When a nation is in distress, Hashem will appear and tell them that their future will be bright.
I suppose Rabbi Levin is connecting message 2 to this week's parasha (vaeraVaera). That G-d promises Moshe Rabbeinu that He will take B'nei Yisrael out of Mitzrayim, free them, make them unto a nation etc...
Furthermore, Rabbi Levin discuss the idea that G-d put Moshe Rabbeinu in charge of this special mission. He says something like "these two concepts, e.g. walking and have a mission are united with each other".
The above is stated on this page.