- Rimzei haMaasiyot by R' Nachman the Tcheriner was first printed with the 1902 Lemberg printing of Sipurei Maasiyot, and it's available here:
- The Hashmatot to Rimzei haMaasiyot, published by his son R' Avraham, were first printed in that same edition and they're available here:
Print editions are more likely to contain these appendices if they're bilingual like the original i.e. with the Lashon haKodesh on top and Yiddish below on each page like the 1815 first printing.
Also remember that the 1815 first printing of Sipurei Maasiyoth contained in the back of the book, the texts that are known today as Shivchei haRan (but with header "Sipurei Ma`asiyoth" on the pages there), and Sichot haRan (only through #110 and with header "Likutei Moharan" there), as well as omissions from and corrections to the already printed Likutei Moharan.
So, the stories are interrelated with the Rebbe z"l himself and his life, and so the Shivchei and the Sichot are a kind of explanation and vice-versa, and so too with all the other holy sefarim and along the lines of Shir haShirim, the Zohar, and the Kitvei Arizal etc. as R' Natan z"l mentions in the Hakdamot, where he also already gives a bit of explanation:
Here is the 1815 printing for viewing or download:
- https://www.nli.org.il/en/books/NNL_ALEPH001124825/NLI This has been reprinted, for example:
- Print edition: ספר סיפורי מעשיות - Keren Hadfassah D'Chasidei Breslev, Jerusalem, 2002 (possibly later reprints too?). A Newly typeset edition of the original 1815, including the Second Introduction from the second printing and “many corrections."