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Rashi in Bava Metzia 85a explains why Rabbi Zeira fasted for 100 days in order to forget the Babylonian method of learning so that he could be a receptacle for the Talmud Yerushalmi with a clear mind:

דלא ניטרדיה - כשעלה לארץ ישראל ללמוד מפי ר' יוחנן ואמוראין שבארץ ישראל לא היו בני מחלוקת ונוחין זה לזה כשמן כדאמרי' בסנהדרין (דף כד.) ומיישבין את הטעמים בלא קושיות ופירוקין

When Rabbi Zeira went to Israel to learn from Rabbi Yochanan, the Amoraim in Israel weren't arguing with each other, and would work hard to come to terms with each others opinion and would answer up all reasoning without questions and answers.

SoWe see that their method in Eretz Yisroel of learning did not involve asking questions as much, rather getting straight down to what they knew from Mesora and explaining it, without analyzing unknown cases they hadn't heard about through questioning, so there was nonot as many answers needed hence no Teikus.

Rashi in Bava Metzia 85a explains why Rabbi Zeira fasted for 100 days in order to forget the Babylonian method of learning so that he could be a receptacle for the Talmud Yerushalmi with a clear mind:

דלא ניטרדיה - כשעלה לארץ ישראל ללמוד מפי ר' יוחנן ואמוראין שבארץ ישראל לא היו בני מחלוקת ונוחין זה לזה כשמן כדאמרי' בסנהדרין (דף כד.) ומיישבין את הטעמים בלא קושיות ופירוקין

When Rabbi Zeira went to Israel to learn from Rabbi Yochanan, the Amoraim in Israel weren't arguing with each other, and would work hard to come to terms with each others opinion and would answer up all reasoning without questions and answers.

So their method in Eretz Yisroel of learning did not involve asking questions, rather getting straight down to what they knew from Mesora, without analyzing unknown cases they hadn't heard about through questioning, so there was no answers needed hence no Teikus.

Rashi in Bava Metzia 85a explains why Rabbi Zeira fasted for 100 days in order to forget the Babylonian method of learning so that he could be a receptacle for the Talmud Yerushalmi with a clear mind:

דלא ניטרדיה - כשעלה לארץ ישראל ללמוד מפי ר' יוחנן ואמוראין שבארץ ישראל לא היו בני מחלוקת ונוחין זה לזה כשמן כדאמרי' בסנהדרין (דף כד.) ומיישבין את הטעמים בלא קושיות ופירוקין

When Rabbi Zeira went to Israel to learn from Rabbi Yochanan, the Amoraim in Israel weren't arguing with each other, and would work hard to come to terms with each others opinion and would answer up all reasoning without questions and answers.

We see that their method in Eretz Yisroel of learning did not involve asking questions as much, rather getting straight down to what they knew from Mesora and explaining it, without analyzing unknown cases they hadn't heard about through questioning, so there was not as many answers needed hence no Teikus.

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Rashi in Bava Metzia 85a explains why Rabbi Zeira fasted for 100 days in order to forget the Babylonian method of learning so that he could be a receptacle for the Talmud Yerushalmi with a clear mind:

דלא ניטרדיה - כשעלה לארץ ישראל ללמוד מפי ר' יוחנן ואמוראין שבארץ ישראל לא היו בני מחלוקת ונוחין זה לזה כשמן כדאמרי' בסנהדרין (דף כד.) ומיישבין את הטעמים בלא קושיות ופירוקין

When Rabbi Zeira went to Israel to learn from Rabbi Yochanan, the Amoraim in Israel weren't arguing with each other, and would work hard to come to terms with each others opinion and would answer up all reasoning without questions and answers.

So their method in Eretz Yisroel of learning did not involve asking questions, rather getting straight down to what they knew from Mesora, without analyzing unknown cases they hadn't heard about through questioning, so there was no answers needed hence no Teikus.