Considering that, these days, you can have quite a bit of Torah on cellphones (indeed, on my iPhone I have all of Tanach, Siddur, Halachic works, Jastrow dictionary, etc.), is it possible to make an argument that phones could count as a sefer in terms of stacking?
Essentially, one is not supposed to put other things on top of sefarim. Indeed, one should not even stack a "less holy" sefer on top of a "more holy sefer" (although the Rama states, I believe, that anything that is bound and not written on klaf all have the same status). Thus, where would a phone with Torah on it fall in this spectrum?
Maybe it would make a difference if the Torah was actually up on the screen at the time of stacking? Or perhaps it wouldn't, and a phone could not count as something of a sefer in any circumstances whatsoever?
Anyone see any sources that discuss such a thing? Can you place/stack a phone on top of a sefer?