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Shalom's user avatar
Shalom's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Do you have to check bagged lettuce with a hechsher?

3 votes

What's special about grasshoppers?

3 votes

How must a woman dress in front of her husband during her days of niddah?

3 votes

Restaurant serving meat during the 9 Days

3 votes

How is one allowed to eat both cholov stam and pas palter?

3 votes

Mishkav/Mishkave... , Is there a difference?

3 votes

Difference between a 4 or 6 piece yarmulke.

3 votes

Why did Yonah not command circumcision on the people of Ninevah, especially in the light of the message of Teshuvah?

3 votes

What was the justification for selling Joseph into slavery?

3 votes

Is there "Glat Kosher" (HALAK) kashrut classification for Chicken

3 votes

Conversion -- any negative implications if grandfather was a kohen?

3 votes

What are some relatively easy gemaras to learn?

3 votes

How long of a sheitel is too long?

3 votes

What teaches about the Tosefta תוספתא

3 votes

Do Any Commentators Say Bananas were the 'forbidden fruit'?

3 votes

A ba'al mum profanes His sanctuary?

3 votes

What do you do if you make a Mezonos on cake, but then decide to eat a lot more?

3 votes

Eating Meat that Wasn’t Killed According To Kashrut

3 votes

Could Solomon's wisdom be related to his downfall?

3 votes

Does Halakhah say anything about secular/religious professionals like therapists separating personal and professional beliefs working with clients?

3 votes

Is it apikorises to believe dinosaurs existed?

3 votes

Ashkenazim eating kitniyot that is batel b'rov on Pesach

3 votes

Maintaining A Convert's Privacy

3 votes

Hospital named after Idol

3 votes

Am I a Kohen if mother's grand father is a Kohen

3 votes

What rights does a husband have over his wife?

3 votes

Did people who were not priests or Levites enter the Tabernacle for ritual purposes?

3 votes

Prayer regarding the dangerous premature birth of gentile friend’s baby

3 votes

What is the halakha for public displays of contrition / regret for sin?

3 votes

Not to read Sipurei Milchama - can one major in History?

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