10 votes

What does one have to know to be called a Talmid Chochum?

The Talmud provides several such definitions for various contexts. In the context of conditional marriages we have: Kiddushin 49b ע"מ שאני תלמיד אין אומרים כשמעון בן עזאי וכשמעון בן זומא אלא כל ...
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Is there a feminine equivalent of Zt"l?

If you search Google for "Mrs. * ZT-L", you'll find many instances of this honorific used for couples, and a few for women. Here are some examples of it used for women by various Jewish news or public ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there a feminine equivalent of Zt"l?

There are several instances in rabbinic literature where the rabbinic author mentions a deceased female relative and uses the appellation "zatzal". Here are two examples: R. Moshe Sofer ...
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5 votes

Is there a feminine equivalent of Zt"l?

Following @ Isaac Moses, I searched for Rebbetzen * zt-l and found: Rebbetzin Kanievsky ZTL in the yeshivaworld.com Rebbetzin Bluma ZTL in matzav.com Rebbetzin Vichna Kaplan ztl in linkapeida-...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a feminine equivalent of Zt"l?

According to wikipedia, Zt"l is used for men as well as women. If I recall correctly, when Rebetzin Kamenetzki, wife of Rav Binyamin Kamenetzki died, about 4 months ago, many of the local articles ...
DanF's user avatar
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Hilchos Pesicha/Pesichas HaAron

Open the ark after kaddish but wait for the chazzan to walk towards you before you take out the Torah. When he does, take out the Torah and hand it to him. He will recite the pesukim(according to ...
chacham Nisan's user avatar
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May a non-Jew participate in certain shul "honors"?

Take care: the quoted answer below from Rabbi Posner refers directly only to hagbah and he gives no source for his answer. Chabad have an article on hagbah. Someone commented on the article asking,...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
1 vote

What does one have to know to be called a Talmid Chochum?

The title "Talmid Chakham" is limited to a Talmid who is learned in Nistar. For "Chokhmah" refers to Kabbalah. ספר הקנה הקדוש: "ושבתם וראיתם [בין צדיק לרשע,] בין עובד אלקים ...
Nissim Nanach's user avatar
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What does one have to know to be called a Talmid Chochum?

Ritva on Kiddushin 49b שצריך תלמיד חכם שיהא בקי בכל התלמוד ואפילו במסכה כלה שאין דרך להיות רגילין בה: Pashtus is to be a buhki in all of Talmud. Not sure what bukhi means. Talmud meaning Aliba ...
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