2 votes

Minyan or Hachnasat orchim

Short answer: When a genuine case of hachnassas orchim comes at the expense of tefillah betzibbur, hachnassas orchim takes precedence. If one is busy with guests in a way that is a fulfillment of ...
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Why did Abraham run to greet the visitors in Genesis 18?

As Sforno writes, he began running from the entrance of his tent. When a person is observed to perform any task with speed, with keenness, this reflects that he considers what he is about to do as ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why did Abraham run to greet the visitors in Genesis 18?

From the commentary of the Malbim: וכאשר ראה אותם עוברים בצד האהל כרוצים לעבור לדרכם ,רץ לקראתם לעכבם שיסורו אל ביתו When he (Avrohom) saw that they were passing by the tent as if they wished to ...
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