Questions tagged [yonah-jonah-book-of]

The Book describes Yonah the Prophet's message from G-d to the city of Ninveh to Repent and his journey doing so, It is read on Mincha of Yom Kippur

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What is the lineage of Yona ben Amitai?

The gemarah (Yerushalmi succa 5:1) and midrash (yalkut shimoni Yona, remez 550) indicate that the prophet Yona ben Amitai descended from Zevulun (father) and Asher (mother). However other sources ...
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What was the "Great river of the Ocean" shown to Jonah?

The Midrash Tanchuma in Vayikra discusses the wonders shown to Jonah by the fish which swallowed him after having saved it from the Leviathan (see the Midrash [ibid.] for further elaboration). (Source ...
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Why did the sea travelers in Yonah 1 proselytize instead of becoming righteous gentiles?

We read in Yonah 1 about the men who traveled on a boat with Yonah. When the sea ceased storming we read: "And the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and they made sacrifices to the Lord and made vows."...
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What are the requirements for Gentiles to listen to a Jewish prophet?

Follow-up to my previous question relating to false prophets: Devarim 18:18-22 says that one is required to listen to a true prophet but not a false prophet. Do these laws apply to Gentiles? I am ...
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