Questions tagged [yom-kippur]

Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, takes place on the tenth of the month of Tishrei. We repent for our sins and G-d forgives them. It is a fast day.

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0 answers

Are women obligated in neilah

According to Halacha, are women obligated to recite neilah on Yom Kippur? Or are they exempt because it is a positive time bound commandment?
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Does Yom Kippur end mourning

In halacha Yom Tov ends shloshim and shiva, my question is does the same rule apply to Yom Kippur if a close relative dies during the days of repentance? Or is Yom Kippur different from other holidays ...
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1 answer

Why is there a unique blessing for Yom Kippur candle lighting?

Yom Kippur candle lighting has unique blessing להדליק נר של יום הכפורים Technically, we could argue that since Yom Tov is called "Shabbat" (see Leviticus 23 as an example), we should have just one ...
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1 answer

Why Yom Kippur is on the 10th of the 7th month?

Why Yom Kippur is on the 10th? This date does not make sense! If you search through the Written Torah, you will see that nothing happened on this date. Wouldn't it make sense to have Yom Kippur on the ...
5 votes
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Was there a double portion of Mon on Erev Yom Kippur

Was there a double portion of Mon on Erev Yom Kippur? Sholem, UK
3 votes
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Why specifically the size of a date on Yom Kippur?

Often times a kezayis or beitza is the amount of food necessary to transgress a food related prohibition. Why is a date specifically the quantity one must eat to be liable on Yom Kippur? Shulchan ...
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Using baby powder on Yom Kippur

Is one permitted to use baby powder-or talcum powder, Gold Bond, etc- on Yom Kippur? (either for themselves or for a child) OR Would it be forbidden since it could be akin to "annointing oneself&...
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Birkat Habanim (Blessing of the sons) on Shabbat Yom Tov, Shabbat Rosh Hashana and Shabbat Yom Kippur

Those who bless their sons in Birkat Habanim, every Sabbath evening when returning from synagogue. Should the father bless his sons on Shabbat on that falls on Yom Tov falls? and how will he behave ...
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Why do we say "shel Yom HaKippurim" for Yom Kippur candlelighting but "shel Yom Tov" for all other Yom Tovim?

I recognize that Yom Kippur is special, VERY special. But Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot aren't exactly chopped liver, as the saying goes. And it is no more difficult to say "shel Rosh ...
4 votes
1 answer

The Satan and his limitations on Yom Kippur?

The Gemara in Nedarim 32b famously writes: ״הַשָּׂטָן״ בְּחוּשְׁבָּנֵיהּ תְּלָת מְאָה וְשִׁיתִּין וְאַרְבְּעָה The letters of the term "HaSatan" ("The Satan") is 364 in numerical ...
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When does G-d desiring a person to "return and live" apply?

In the machzor there are many variations on a theme that G-d does not desire the death of the wicked, but really wants them to do teshuva and live. For example, For your praise is just as your name. ...
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Why is not Yom Kippur is kept from the Mazikim

It is written that Satan has no control on this day (Yom Kippur), so why, unlike the Seder Night, we say a regular Kriyat Shema on the bed? Moreover, in the Machzorim there are additional Psalms ...
3 votes
1 answer

Wine on Erev Yom Kippur

Are there any sources saying that one should drink wine on Erev Yom Kippur, it being considered a Yom Tov? (I’ve heard in chabad that Chassidim used to show up to Kol Nidrei drunk, as “a drunk cannot ...
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Kibbudim for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

I'm looking for a list of every time the Aaron kodesh gets opened and closed on RH and YK. Ideally I'd also really appreciate page numbers in the Artscroll or Koren siddurim. I'm making cards to ...
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2 answers

How does one understand and make meaning of the Biein Melitz Yosher paragraph in the yom kippur shemone esreh?

How does one understand and make meaning of the Biein Melitz Yosher paragraph in the yom kippur shemone esreh ?
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Yom Kippur, fasting, prayer, crying, and snot

It's Yom Kippur. Mr. Ploni is at home, praying the Amidah prayer with great emotion. He's crying, and his nose is dripping. Although it's a fast day, he wants to lick the snot off his upper lip. If ...
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What is the point of confessing before the meal on Erev Yom Kippur according to the Rambam?

The Rambam (Hilchos Teshuvah 2:7) writes that the reason why one should recite the Vidui on Erev Yom Kippur before the meal is that he might choke (heaven forbid) during the meal. The question is: if ...
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I Heard the world gets holier on holy days how does this work with Binyan HaMalchut

BH I heard in a class on Kuntrus Umayan discourse 18 from a teacher that the whole world gets holier on holy days and that for example on Yomkipur Malchut of Azilut rises to Dikna of Arich Anpin while ...
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Yom Kippur service source recommendations

Is there any source describing the exact things that happened, from sunrise to sunset, on Yom Kippur during the period of the Beis HaMikdosh? With regard to the service of confession, the Mishnah (...
5 votes
1 answer

Do the Jews still send a scapegoat once a year to the wilderness?

Do the Jews still send scapegoats bearing the sins of the Jewish people to the wilderness once a year as commanded in Leviticus 16:22?
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3 answers

Who is Nuriel? (e.g. Solomon Ibn Gabirol's Shinanim piyut)

It seems to have been quoted in the piyut Shinanim by Solomon Ibn Gabirol (page 134 of the Spanish Portuguese Kippur service). In this piyut, Nuriel is mentioned. Who is he? What are his ...
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Shalom Zachor on Motza'ei Yom Kippur?

This Israeli news site quotes Rav Chaim Kanievsky saying to make a Shalom Zachor on Motza'ei Yom Kippur when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos: הגרש"ב גנוט מרבני העיר אלעד מספר כי זה לאחרונה שאל את ...
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1 answer

Why is a 3 day Yom Tov permissible, but Shabbos and Yom Kippur cannot be on adjacent days?

If Rosh Hashana were to fall on Wednesday or Friday, then that would result in Yom Kippur being on Friday or Sunday. The calendar was designed to avoid this happening since the sages deemed having ...
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2 answers

Yom Tov Birkat Hacohanhim -- where find the text about dreams?

In many mahzorim, during the yom tov birkat hakohanim, there is a paragraph related to dreams. (In English: I have dreamed a dream but I no not what it means... heal it like the dreams of ______) I am ...
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Does the Shekhinah remove Israel’s sin on the Day Of Atonement?

I have read and heard that the Shekhinah appeared before the High Priest on the Day of Atonement. Did The Shekhinah remove sin?
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3 answers

What is Binyan HaMalchut?

The Kuntrus Umayan writes, in discourse 18 chapter 1, that the period between Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur is for the preparation for Binyan HaMalchut. What does that mean and how does this work? He ...
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Why is there a Minhag not to eat sesame in Erev Yom Kippur?

I found sources that say that there is a Minhag not to eat sesame in Erev Yom Kippur, since it is considered as a heavy food and might disturb the dawening in Yom Kippur. I would like to understand ...
7 votes
3 answers

Why does the Yom Kippur service seem to reenact Abraham's treatment of his sons?

In the Yom Kippur service during Temple times, the Kohen would (Lev 16:7-10ff): And he shall take the two goats, and set them before the LORD at the door of the tent of meeting. And Aaron shall ...
7 votes
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Should women also be bowing down on yom kippur

During the mussaf on the high holy days we bow down to the floor. Do women also have this minhag. Did they also bow down in the temple when it was standing on hearing the kohen godol say the shem.
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Why do we sing while saying viduy?

Throughout Yom Kippur everyone says viduy (confession) numerous times. In the shuls that I have davened at (and I think most shuls), when everyone says it together during chazaras hashatz, there is a ...
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Adding the 13 middot during / after the Chatanu Selichot on Yom Kippur

Originally, Minhag Ashkenaz was to recite selichot, accompanied by the 13 middot, during chazarat hashatz of all prayers of Yom Kippur. For various reasons, the vast majority of congregations today ...
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1 answer

Are Naot or other Leather strapped sandals permitted on Yom Kippur?

Are Naot (cork sole) or other Leather strapped sandals permitted on Yom Kippur. It seems that Rav Obadiah permits it although I am unclear of the specifics and other opinions.
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1 answer

Are you allowed to wear shoes with leather decorations on yom kippur and tisha b'av?

Leather shoes are not allowed to be worn on yom kippur or tisha b'av. What if both the sole and the upper materials are made out of synthetic or non-leather materials but some of the shoe's design is ...
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Neilah Chasam Sofer

I read somewhere that the Chasam Sofer is mechadesh that Moshe Rabbeinu was mesaken Neilah. Does anyone know where this is?
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Was the Parochet in the Kodesh ha-Kodashim ever cleaned/replaced?

Mishnah Yoma 5:4 describes how the Kohen Gadol sprinkles blood on the Parochet in the Kodesh ha-Kodashim (he does this twice, with different bloods): נָטַל דַּם הַפָּר וְהִנִּיחַ דַּם הַשָּׂעִיר, ...
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Neila: Extended Shemoneh Esrei Vs receiving Pesichas Neila

On Yom Kippur, Neilah represents the climax of the day. Hashem as it were, is about to seal our fate and finalise our year ahead. It is correspondingly a time to really storm the heavens and daven ...
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2 answers

Teshuva knowing that I'm likely to sin again

Every year I have a very similar list of aveiros that I want to stop. Practically, I know that it is too much to expect myself to have completely stopped all of them by next Rosh Hashana, so I ...
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The Shaliach tzibbur reciting "Hamelech" on Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur from his seat

On both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the shaliach tzibbur chants "Hamelech" at the onset of Shacharis from his seat and then makes his way to the amud. The Aruch HaShulchan, OC 584:1 brings ...
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Book about the mystic meaning of Yom Kippur?

I’m trying to find a book about the mystic meaning for Yom Kippur, I believe the books title is something honey.
7 votes
2 answers

What name did the Kohen Gadol Say?

On Yom Kippur, the kohen gadol, during the day's service, said a particular name of Hashem. I had always thought that he said the 4 letter name, but in shul, the rabbi mentioned that it was the 42 ...
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Is there no punishment to slaughtering an animal on Yom Kippur?

Well I know that generally it's אסור (if not for פיקוח נפש). My question is really regarding slaughtering a קרבן in the בית המקדש outside of the עבודת היום. The gemara in יומא (סב:) has a discussion ...
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Wearing a Tallis for Kiddush Levana

If people wait until the end of Yom Kippur to say kiddush levana for the month of Tishrei, which I understand to be a prevalent custom, do they keep their talleisim on? Since the tallis is not ...
9 votes
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Listerine strips on Yom Kippur and Pesach

I heard recently in the name of Rav Hershel Schachter that you can consume Listerine strips (such as these) on both Yom Kippur and Pesach without worry. I wonder if anyone can confirm this, and ...
13 votes
3 answers

Fast some other day if can't fast on Yom Kippur?

If someone is sufficiently ill on Yom Kippur to be halachically allowed to eat, would there be any value in him fasting for a whole day after he gets well? I'm sure it would be voluntary, but is it ...
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Aveilus and Davening from the Omud on Rosh Hashana / Yom Kippur?

Can a Ba'al tefillah in his year of aveilus daven from the Omud on Rosh Hashana / Yom Kippur?
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Why does it matter if the Kohen Gadol has never read the order of Yom Kippur himself before? (Yoma 1:3)

We see in Yoma 1:3 that the Kohen Gadol was read the order of Yom Kippur from the Torah as preparation during the seven days before Yom Kippur. מָסְרוּ לוֹ זְקֵנִים מִזִּקְנֵי בֵית דִּין, וְקוֹרִין ...
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Why don't we say "Ashrei" for Mincha of Yom Kippur?

Why don't we recite "Ashrei" during the afternoon prayer of Yom Kippur like we do for every other Mincha of the year?
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Maftir Yonah riches?

It is common tradition that the one who purchases the rights to Maftir Yonah will be blessed with much wealth the following year. Are there any sources for this?
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Can I carry a shofar to shul on Yom Kippur?

In a place that has an eruv, can one carry a shofar to shul on Yom Kippur (e.g. during the break between Musaf and Mincha) so that it can be used at the end of neilah? or is there an issue of muktzeh,...
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Yirmiyahu the Seer?

Last night, in Maariv of Yom Kippur, I noticed in Selichot a passage that I had never really noticed prior: "אַל תַּעַזְבֵנוּ אָבִינוּ וְאַל תִּטְּשֵׁנוּ בּוֹרְאֵנוּ וְאַל תַּזְנִיחֵנוּ ...

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