Questions tagged [sin]

Relating to the categorization of a sinful act in Jewish Law, the examination of a sin recorded in Jewish texts, or the nature of sin in Jewish thought.

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What Torah issur did the meraglim transgress?

Since the meraglim sinned after the Torah has already been given, it'd seem that to be punished with death they would have had to transgress a Torah issur which carries the capital punishment (or misa ...
user9806's user avatar
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If I deny G-d access to my thoughts. Would He read it anyway? Are my thoughts publics by default?

If I deny G-d access to my thoughts. Would He read it anyway? For G-d, Are my thoughts publics by default?
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
5 votes
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Who else says the Jews violate the Ten Commandments during the first Temple

I always understood, based on the gemarra in Yoma 9b, that the Jews were guilty of the three cardinal sins during the First Temple period (murder, illicit relations, and idol worship). However, I ...
robev's user avatar
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Marriage clarification!

I was once told, that marriage clears one’s sins, though I doubt it’s that simple. Could someone please explain to me the actual perimeters. Does it need to be a kosher wedding, does the Chattan and ...
jonathan's user avatar
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How were sins atoned for after the destruction of the 1st Temple until the establishment of the 2nd Temple?

This is of course in reference to the period in time during which no Temple stood and when the Babylonian exile occurred. Do we have any particular reference from Jewish sources, in particular the ...
RandomUser's user avatar
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Can God influence man to sin?

We know that God is Sovereign, Creator of all things, whether spiritual or physical, and nothing escapes His control or goes against Him. So, from what is written: "However, [God hardened Pharaoh'...
Reuben Pontes's user avatar
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Is celebrating the secular new year forbidden or problematic since it is based around a calendar relating to Jesus' birth?

The secular calendar in most countries is based around the BC/AD system. This calendar is derived from the Julian and Gregorian calendar traditions which mark the birth of Jesus as a focal point for ...
Michael's user avatar
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Forgiveness of Adam's sin

Why do we suffer for the sin not committed by us, is it not contrary to Ezekiel 18? Can we ask for this sin to be forgiven? and how do we repent from something we have no access to?
Papi's user avatar
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Where do the severely depressed and mentally ill fit in within Judaism's view of the world?

Mental illness is a strange topic because I find it creates conflict with a lot of the beliefs I've been taught about sin and free will. The vast majority of the world operates under their own choice. ...
Michael's user avatar
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Can only animal sacrifices forgive sins?

Can only animal sacrifices forgive sins? In Exodus 12:27 it is written you shall say, ‘It is the passover sacrifice to the LORD, because He passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when He ...
Dare to ask-I dnt mind punishm's user avatar
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Mitzvah habaah beaveirah with a rabbinic prohibition

Is fulfilling a biblical mitzvah by transgressing a rabbinic prohibition considered "mitzvah habaah beaveirah", where they lose their credit for the mitzvah (see Sukkah 30a)? For instance ...
Noam Yo Tom's user avatar
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Can I be condemned only by my thoughts? (without doing any bad deed) [duplicate]

Can I be condemned only by my thoughts? (without doing any bad deed) Note: This question is related to another question on this site
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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What is the earliest reference of the "original sin"?

The term "חטא הקדמון", or "חטא אדם הראשון" is used widely in Kabalistic and Musar literature to explain Jewish theology, where the world is seen as somewhat broken by this "...
Al Berko's user avatar
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For those who claim that David didn't sin, why didn't he marry Bat Sheva right away?

In the story of David sleeping secretly with Bat Shevah and trying to conceal his actions by fooling Uriah (II_Samuel.11.25). THe Gemmorah (Shabbat.56a) suggests that David didn't sin: "As Rabbi ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Can one transfer someone else's sin onto himself?

Can one accept the consequences of someone else's actions? It would seem unfair and unlikely that one would be able to accept someone else's rewards. If that is true, does it also apply to accepting ...
treenuts15's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Is it a sin to watch a naked woman?

Is it a sin for a man to watch a naked woman? In 2 Shmuel 11:2 David watched a naked woman, was that a sin?
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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Remembering One's Sins After Yom Kippur

Should one remember and keep the guilt of his sins after Yom Kippur? If he had previously written them in a book, in order to have the proper mindset during tachanun throughout the year, should the ...
treenuts15's user avatar
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Does a parent carry a child's sins beyond the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah if they were irresponsible in how they raised their child?

Parents own the responsibility of the sins of their children until the child has reached their age of Bar/Bat mitzvah. There is even a blessing Baruch Shepetarani the father makes which thanks Hashem ...
Michael's user avatar
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What are the parameters of the “enjoyment/ שִׂמְחָ֗ה that the author of Kohelet did not deny himself?

Kohelet 2 (10) writes that he “denied myself no enjoyment”. Does that mean a mix of 'permitted' and 'no permitted enjoyment'? Ecclesiastes 2:10 וְכֹל֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר שָֽׁאֲל֣וּ עֵינַ֔י לֹ֥א אָצַ֖לְתִּי ...
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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Why is the flour option available in only one case?

Vayikra 5 describes the offering required as a Chatat. This subcategory allows offerings of varying value, depending on what the guilty person can afford. Vayikra 5:11 reads וְאִם־לֹא֩ תַשִּׂ֨יג ...
rosends's user avatar
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Can someone transgress the 3 cardinal sins to save Jews?

As we see in the Megilas Esther Perek 3 Mordechai didn't bow down to Haman because according to some he had an idol on his neck. However, by him not doing so enraged him to want to kill all the Jews. ...
Moshe's user avatar
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What’s the mitzvah or deed you can do that could absolve you of a sin you did 70 years ago?

If I’m not mistaken, I read about such a mitzvah in Mesechet Taanit, but then I couldn’t find it and now it’s annoying me. Though, I could have also simply seen it somewhere else. So does anyone know ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Would it be forbidden to model a synagogue's design after the Beit Hamikdash?

The Beit Hamikdash has models. You can purchase them online if you so desire. That being said, those are purely models and are not used for anything beyond study/exhibition. My question is whether it ...
Michael's user avatar
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Moshe and Aharon never sinned

The gemarra in Shabbos 55a says a rule: אין מיתה בלא חטא, no one dies without having sinned. As an attempt to refute this rule, the gemarra brings a baraisa that says: מֵיתִיבִי: אָמְרוּ מַלְאֲכֵי ...
robev's user avatar
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What counts as unintentionally performing an aveira?

For example you accidentally light a fire on Shabbat, I assume this counts as unintentional. If you light a fire thinking it is a rabbinic prohibition, does this count as unintentional? In a more ...
Finnegan's user avatar
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If a composer of a nigun is accused of a serious offense should his nigun no longer be sung?

If someone who is well respected in the community writes wonderful inspiring nigunim that are used in tefila, and then allegations appear that the individual is suspected of, or implicated in, serious ...
chanina Yaacov's user avatar
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Are Sarah's sins implied in the opening of Chayye Sarah?

This week's portion, Chayye Sarah, opens with the death of Sarah at age 127: Sarah’s lifetime came to one hundred years and twenty years and seven years -- that was the span of her life. [Genesis 23:...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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What positive knowledge was earned from eating the forbidden fruit?

Implicitly, the tree was called "the tree of knowledge of good and bad", and we all know the "bad" part - they realized the wickedness of their nakedness. My question is simple: ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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R. Meir and Reish Lakish on Gan Eden and Gehinnom

I remember reading humble statements by both R. Meir and Reish Lakish, saying about themselves that they would probably need to go through Gehinnom to some degree, because of unknown sins and ...
Martin Åhlin's user avatar
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Why does the Torah not make more concessions to the evil inclination?

The Torah says: When you take ... your enemies ... captive, and you see among them a woman of beautiful form, and you desire her, you may take her to yourself as a wife. [Deuteronomy 21:11] But the ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Temptation of Bamos

What was the powerful temptation of Bamos which continued to remain in Klal Yisroel even during the times of the righteous kings? Melachim I (15:14) - וְהַבָּמוֹת לֹא־סָרוּ רַק לְבַב־אָסָא הָיָה ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why does Moses use a euphemism in talking to God?

In this week's portion, Behaalotecha, Moses tells God: If this is how You are going to treat me, then, if I have found favor in Your eyes, kill me, and do not let me witness my evil. [Num. 11:15] ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Interrupting learning to reflect on creation is a cause of mortal guilt. Why is this so bad?

Rambam in Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah 2(2) says But how may one discover the way to love and fear Him? When man will reflect concerning His works, and His great and wonderful creatures, and will ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Was Yaakov lacking Bitachon?

When Yaakov becomes afraid of Eisav's arrival, the passuk says that he was very frightened. Chazal in Maseches Brachos note that he was afraid שמא יגרום החטא. Does this display a lack of Bitachon, ...
Bochur613's user avatar
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Why were the Israelites punished on account of King David's census?

In 2 Samuel 24, King David orders a census, against the advice of his chief of staff, Joab. Then God becomes angry and 70,000 people die of a plague. David is repentant: But afterward David ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
7 votes
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Did Adam and Chava have a child before they sinned? Was childbirth not painful before they sinned?

Did Adam and Chava have a child before they sinned? Was childbirth not painful before they sinned? In Bereshit 3:16, it says, To the woman He said, "I shall surely increase your sorrow and your ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Is self-sacrifice acceptable to save one's child? [duplicate]

Generally speaking, Judaism doesn't take the same mindset for self-sacrifice as modern society. While we can have great respect for individuals who have given up their lives to save others, Jewish ...
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Is there a Rabbinical stance on "Ghost Hunting" and whether it is an allowable activity?

Strange topic but I was curious if anything existed in relation to it. "Ghost Hunting" can be done for different reasons. Typically, it's in reference to paranormal investigators seeking evidence of ...
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Can Catholics be considered pious/G-d-fearing in the context that they believe their church to be their version of Rabbinical authority? [closed]

This question relates to people who are good in nature but mislead in practice and the situation they are raised within. Obviously, Judaism has issues with Catholicism in the sense it contradicts ...
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Can you tell someone that his troubles are caused by his sins?

The Talmud tells us not to tell someone who is suffering that his troubles are caused by his sins: If torments are afflicting a person, if illnesses are afflicting him, or if he is burying his ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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What rationale do the Rabbis use when differentiating amulets from recognized forms of idolatry?

The use of amulets for healing and protection has a long history in Judaism. I know that we are warned against idolatry when it comes to foreign worship practices around objects. (Prayer beads, Pagan ...
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G-ds name online [duplicate]

On a google doc during an assignment with friends who do not understand the intricacies of Judaism, someone wrote g-d's names pronunciation, I did not realize what I was doing and deleted it, was this ...
theboi's user avatar
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What does "mazik the rabim" mean?

The Va’ad HaRabbonim of Greater Cleveland has issued a statement about the COVID-19 virus that contains the following paragraph: Additionally, anyone who was exposed to someone who tested positive ...
Mike's user avatar
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Why was it wrong for David to number Israel?

(This is not a duplicate of halacha - Why was King David Punished for Sending Others to Conduct a Census? - Mi Yodeya.) 1 Chronicles 21, and 2 Samuel 24 relate how King David took it upon himself to ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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What are the implications of "deserving death"?

The Sources frequently say that certain people "deserve death". Examples in the Talmud: He who transgresses the rulings of the Sages deserve death. [Berakhot 4b] He who emits semen in vain ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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"Is called a sinner" vs "is a sinner"

The Sources include dozens of statements of the form, "He who does such and such is called a sinner.". Why "is called a sinner"? Why not "is a sinner" or "sins"? (For examples, just put "called ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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How does one get punished for sins beyond punishment?

I asked this question in a comment to another question's answer, but I wanted to ask it explicitly: It has been stated that : [...] it has been pointed out in Rishonim [...] that some sins are so ...
user9806's user avatar
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Jewish married man having relations with Jewish divorced woman [closed]

What is the Halacha of a Jewish married man engaging in physical relations with a Jewish divorced woman.
Hinda Levy's user avatar
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What constitutes communicating with the dead?

Let no one be found among you who consigns his son or daughter to the fire, or who is an augur, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, or one who consults ghosts or familiar ...
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Is declaring that you don’t want to do a sin “for now”, a chillul hashem?

If someone proposes doing a sinful act (e.g Avoda zara) and you respond by saying that you are not interested “for now”, is that considered a chillul hashem, as you may want to sin in the future? In ...
Fei23's user avatar
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