Questions tagged [shabbat]

The seventh day of the week and a day of rest. Also use this tag for questions that apply equally to Yom Tov and Shabbat.

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1 vote
2 answers

Pouring wine into a pagum/used cup in order to reuse the wine inside

I heard that after drinking from the kiddish cup, in order to reuse the wine left over which is pagum, we pour some wine into the cup from the bottle it before pouring the wine in the cup back into ...
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2 answers

Judaism and Ping-Pong

I am looking to perhaps write a paper on ping-pong and its place in Torah literature. I can see a number of issues relating to ping-pong on Shabbos and Yom Tov, e.g., there is a widely discussed ...
14 votes
6 answers

Can you pick your nose?

Is it a violation of halakah to pick your nose (unrefined act, possibly a violation of being a holy nation)? Would there be a difference in halakah if it were the sabbath (possible violation of ...
6 votes
2 answers

Not eating from the Lechem Mishnah, rather from the incomplete bread

If someone only has one broken piece of bread, can he borrow from his neighbor two whole challas and make ha'motzei on everything together (the 2 challas and the piece of bread); however not eat from ...
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1 answer

Why is וַיְהִי בִּנְסעַ the minimum Sefer Torah size?

The gemara in shabbos with regards to saving scrolls says that the scrolls has to 85 letters, the gemara says it has to be the same as וַיְהִי בִּנְסעַ if it has 85 letter you can save it. Why ...
16 votes
5 answers

What is the status of a pull-apart challah for "lechem mishneh"?

On Shabbat, we're supposed to begin the meals with two whole loaves - "Lechem Mishneh." According to Shmirat Shabbat KeHilchato as quoted in the article linked above, "If two loaves bake together in ...
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0 answers

Can I text a non-observant Jew when it is still Shabbos for them? [duplicate]

Can I text a non-observant Jew living in a different time zone, when it is still Shabbos for them? I know there is a high likelihood he will read the text on Shabbos and reply - is there any halachic ...
9 votes
2 answers

Rubik's cube on Shabbos

May a person solve a rubik's cube on Shabbos?
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1 answer

On Shabbos, if someone asks you who you are going to vote for for President, are you allowed to say?

On Shabbos, if someone asks you who you are going to vote for for President, are you allowed to say? Or would this be forbidden because it is talking about doing something after Shabbos which you are ...
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4 answers

Eating frozen dinner warmed by non-Jew on Shabbos

Cruise offers kosher airline meal type meals for daily lunch and dinner. Is it halachically permissible to eat if warmed up by non-Jew on Shabbos (presumably with microwave)? I assume that warming ...
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1 answer

Should we prevent a chumra in the laws of Shabbos that exceeds the normal understanding?

The halacha is that generally a keli shelishi does not cause bishul. The Chazon Ish says that a keli shelishi (or revii) above yad soledes bo does cook those things that are kalei habishul. A ...
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0 answers

Israeli on Shabbat-second day Yom Tov fulfilling locals' obligation

I'm having a hard time constructing this hypothetical so I apologize if it feels forced or if the underlying halachic question could be generated more gracefully. If an Israeli woman is being housed ...
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1 answer

Drinking Nespresso coffee on Shabbat?

The Wacaco Nanopresso machine is a hand-operated espresso machine. It is filled with either ground coffee or Nespresso capsules and, together with hot water, delivers a cup of espresso through a hand ...
4 votes
2 answers

Sewer pump usage on Shabbat

There are sewer tanks where, when full, an electric sewer pump automatically turns on. Is it a problem to pour water down the drain (washing hands, flushing the toilet) into such a sewer system? ...
2 votes
1 answer

Tzeit HaKokhavim According To The Gr"a & Geonim

I have been investigating the various shitoth regarding sheqiah ("sunset") and sseth ha-kokhavim ("tzeit ha-kokhavim" or, when three stars are visible) and cannot find certain info regarding the ...
3 votes
3 answers

Magnetic Word Games On Shabbos

Is a magnetic version of scrabble permitted to be played on shabbos? Generally, Scrabble is not considered writing (although there may be other problems if you usually write while playing) but ...
9 votes
6 answers

How does salt "add heat" (mishna in Shabbos 4(1))

The mishna in Shabbos 4(1) tells us which materials may not be used to insulate foods for Shabbos because they "add heat". One of these materials is salt. Can anyone explain how salt can add heat ...
12 votes
4 answers

Clapping on Shabbos

Is one allowed to clap one's hands on Shabbos? Does it matter whether one is clapping to a beat or trying to get someone's attention?
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Can I receive paid holiday from employer on Shabbat, even though I have not actually worked?

Is there a contraindication to receiving holiday pay on Shabbat, where I have booked it off so as not to work Shabbat ?
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Can one volunteer to be put in a situation which will require breaking shabbos?

I know that pikuach nefesh, saving a life, can push off Shabbat (which I understand to mean, can excuse breaking rules on Shabbat). If I am one of a group of Jews who could do the life saving, should ...
10 votes
3 answers

Why are challot traditionally braided?

What is the reason that challot are traditionally braided? When did this tradition begin?
6 votes
1 answer

Warm food on Shabbat day during Mishnaic and Talmudic times

In looking over the laws for keeping food warm over Shabbat, I began to wonder how things practically played out during the times of the Mishna and Talmud. Given that an oven could only be used if the ...
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0 answers

Musaf for Rosh Hodesh Shabbat

Something that has puzzled me for decades, and I'm reminded of it during holidays and rosh hodesh-shabbat: Why (except for the first line) is the beginning rubric for the mussaf's "sanctification of ...
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2 answers

Not davening the musaf of Rosh Chodesh on Shabbos Rosh Chodesh

If someone by mistake didn't say atah y'ztarteh (the special tefillah we say by musaf on Shabbos that is also rosh chodesh) and instead davened a regular musaf on shabbos rosh chdoesh, what's the din ...
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0 answers

Why is the use of indoor plumbing allowed on shabbos? [duplicate]

Use of indoor plumbing on shabbos involves moving water or waste from/to public and private domains, which could involve a biblical prohibition of hotzoa. Why is this allowed on shabbos?
4 votes
0 answers

How long does it take for a Reshus HaRabbim to lose its status?

If a street typically had 600,000 people travelling on that every day and then for a time period that number dropped, how long would it take for that to make the street no longer a Reshus Harabbim? ...
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2 answers

Questions regarding the melacha of "borer" - separating / sorting on Shabbat

Are these two activities considered a violation of "borer" on Shabbat? Playing cards where you must separate the cards into the 4 suits (hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs) Sorting flatware into ...
1 vote
1 answer

Source permitting removing sticky adhesive backing from clothing on Shabbat?

Is there an issue with removing on Shabbos something sticky from fabric, for example, a feminine napkin from underwear, or a sticker from a sweater, if it tears off some fabric along with it? I heard ...
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1 answer

How do we do Shabbat Hagadol Drasha at home

Because of the Corona virus synagogues are closed this week Tzav 5780 which is Shabbat Hagadol, we will not be able to fulfill the custom of a Shabbat Hagadol Drasha (sermon) according to the usual ...
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0 answers

Loss of smell - Borei Menei B’Samim [closed]

One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is the loss of smell. Is one still Yotzei their father bracha of Borei Menei B’Samim even if they cannot smell the B’samim?
3 votes
3 answers

Why isn't Shabat haGadol held on the 10th of Nissan?

Why is Shabat haGadol celebrated based on day of the week (Shabat) and not day of the month, if it happened on the 10th of Nissan? Most other days of commemoration in Judaism are celebrated by a day ...
6 votes
2 answers

May one change a dying battery on a defibrilator on Shabbat?

A shul keeps a defibrilator in a closet. While passing the closet on Shabbat, someone hears the machine beeping. He opens the closet, and sees a warning light saying "low battery". The shul has many ...
5 votes
1 answer

The Torah warns us twelve times about observing the Shabbos

Rabbi Abraham Danzig writes: והזהירה התורה על שמירת השבת י"ב פעמים, The Torah warns us twelve times about observing the Shabbos. (Chayei Adam, Shabbat and Festivals 1:1) Does anyone happen to ...
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0 answers

Does anyone know of a place on the web I can find Kabbalat Shabbat sung from the people in a synagogue (preferably Ashkenazi)? [closed]

Here is a perfect example of authentic singing, this is what I'm looking for but for Kabbalat Shabbat. The problem for me is when people solo Tehillim they make their own version and that is not what ...
14 votes
5 answers

Can you leave video chat on over Shabbos?

Basically: Can you leave your computer with video chat on (to another person) on over shabbos? And what if there's also audio? For example a relative in the hospital, relatives that in a far away ...
1 vote
1 answer

What parts of the Shabbat shacharit and musaf are omitted when davening without a minyan? [duplicate]

As I write this, many Jews around the world have just concluded their second consecutive Shabbat since the COVID-19 outbreak led to the temporary closures of synagogues. Now that so many of us are ...
4 votes
1 answer

Shabbat in Quarantine

Israel is currently (March 20th, 2020) under lockdown, shuls are closed, and most people will not pray in a minyan or hear the Torah read. I've seen recent psakim about shutting down shuls, but are ...
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0 answers

Attendance for Minyan on School Shabbaton

A Jewish day school takes attendance for tefillah on a shabbaton by putting every students’ name on a note card, and then when that person comes to tefillah, their name is taken out of the pile and ...
6 votes
3 answers

Receiving and opening a package on Shabbat

I have been notified by my USPS Tracking that my package will be delivered to my door this Shabbat. Am I allowed to open it on Shabbat? Note: If someone could help me out with the tags, that would be ...
1 vote
1 answer

Shabbos Candles

What do the sources say about this situation: A male on his own wants to go to shul on Friday night. There are two parts to the question. 1) What is the earliest time at which he can light his ...
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0 answers

Swallowing, carrying, and regurgitating objects in the stomach without an Eruv

In a sickening scenario, but out of pure Halachic speculation, can one swallow toy cars (or anything not Muktzeh), walk to a neighbor's house without an Eruv on Shabbos, and then regurgitate the toy ...
4 votes
2 answers

What stone prevents miscarriage?

The Shulchan Aruch OC (303:24) writes: יוצאה באבן תקומה [פי' הערוך אבן ידועה שכשהיא על אשה לא תפיל] - women are allowed to walk outside on shabbos with an even tekuma used to prevent ...
8 votes
1 answer

Microphones on Shabbat

What is the Halacha re LISTENING to someone speaking in a microphone on Shabbat. For example if I walk into a room and someone is lecturing/speaking on a microphone an I permitted to listen
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1 answer

How do references to eternity in Torah square with the finite life of the sun?

How is one to read אות היא לעולם, נר תמיד and שומר ישראל לעד knowing that the sun will not endure? Torah is written in human language. Is "for ever" confined to human measures, and in fact then, ...
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0 answers

Carrying inside a body without an Eruv

At what point are bodily fluids not considered part of a person and therefore become subject to the restrictions of carrying on Shabbos? For example, if a doctor requires a urine sample on Shabbos, ...
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May one tell a Gentile to drive his car immediately before Shabbat?

During a recent Shulchan Aruch lesson, I learned that one may not tell a Gentile tailor immediately before Shabbat to fix a suit that he will need immediately after Shabbat, as this is clear that he ...
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0 answers

Permitted to detach grape juice bottle from plastic thing on Shabbos

Kedem grape juice sometimes comes in a pack of 2 large bottles that are connected by a plastic thing. Would it be permitted on Shabbos to detach one bottle from the plastic thing? Here is a picture....
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2 answers

Gentile coming to fix a fridge in a store on Shabbos

Consider the following theoretical case. A Jew owns a number of supermarkets where he pays a set monthly fee to a service company that has non-Jewish workers come by and make regular check-ups on the ...
3 votes
1 answer

No Mekadesh Yisrael on Shabbat

The bracha in the amida on Shabbat concludes "Mekadesh haShabbat" but on holidays (including those on Shabbat), the phrase "mekadesh Yisrael" is added. Why isn't Yisrael 'sanctified' (as I have seen ...
5 votes
3 answers

Stopping gentile from doing borer on Shabbos

Consider the following situation. A shul makes a large Kiddush every Shabbos morning after Davening. They have many food items that need to be prepared and set up for the Kiddush however the ...

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