Questions tagged [pidyon-haben]

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12 votes
2 answers

Does the Kohen really get to the raise a baby that a father refuses to redeem?

This summary of the beginning of the Pidyon Haben (redeeming the first born son) is on wikipedia In the traditional ceremony, the father brings the child to the Kohen and recites a formula, or ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why are Pidyon HaBen ceremonies done towards evening?

Most Brissim are done in the morning, as it is mentioned that "Zerizim Makdimim L'Mitzvos". Why is this not applicable to a Pidyon Haben ceremony? If it is applicable, then why have I observed that ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
4 votes
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Pidyon HaBen rate

About how many pidyon haben ceremonies are required to be performed per 1000 Jewish births in the past few decades? The requirements for a pidyon haben are: Both parents are Israel, not Kohen or ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

What is the source for the garlic and sugar at a Pidyon HaBen?

At a Pidyon HaBen I have observed that the Minhag is to put sugar cubes and garlic cloves on the tray with the baby. What is the source of this Minhag? And why specifically sugar and garlic?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
8 votes
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Does a child born to a mother that converted when she was pregnant need Pidyon HaBen?

It was discussed in a previous question if when a woman who converts to Judaism while pregnant if the child is also Jewish or not. From there it seems that the child is yes Jewish however with some ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Do you say Tachanun at a Pidyon HaBen?

Most Pidyon HaBen's take place in the afternoon. Do you say Tachanun at Mincha which is immediately preceding a Pidyon HaBen? (sources)
Gershon Gold's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Bas Cohen having relations with a non-Jew

It says in SA YD Siman 305 that a Bas Cohen that has a bechor (firstborn) with a non-Jew there is chiyuv of pidyon haben since the Bas Cohen through having relations with the non-Jew she looses her ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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When a Bris is being done for a baby at the same time as his Pidyon HaBen

If a baby who is a Bechor had his Bris delayed to the 31st day, and now on the 31st day he is ready to have his Bris and it is also the day of his Pidyon HaBen - which Mitzva should be done first? Do ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Sources for Pidyon HaBen Ceremony

Where can I find the original sources for the pidyon haben ceremony? I don't mean the verses in Torah that gives us the halakha, rather something on the rituals of the ceremony itself (much like ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
3 votes
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Use of phrase ברוך הבא

Based on what I have seen I Nusach Ashkenaz siddurim such as Art Scroll and Birnbaum, among some others, I noticed the phrase ברוך הבא is used at the beginning of a Brit (circumcision) when welcoming ...
DanF's user avatar
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2 votes
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If a Cohen couple gets an embryo donation do they perform pidyon?

If a Cohen couple gets an embryo donation and their first born is a boy, do they have to do pidyon or is the baby a Cohen?
alice fine's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a source for Pidyon Haben seuda equivalent to 84 fasts?

In this answer, @Motel quotes an oft-quoted idea that partaking of a seudas Pidyon Haben is equivalent to fasting for 84 days. This is fabled to be alluded to in the words 'פדיום' (Bamidbar 3:49), ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Pidyon Haben Question [closed]

How is it possible to make a פדיון הבן by giving money to someone who is not a כהן?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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